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Effective Guide on How to Clean Tankless Water Heater

Flushing is a routine maintenance procedure for tankless water heaters to remove mineral buildup and maintain efficiency. Regular flushing ensures the maximum flow of hot water and decreases wait times for hot water delivery. Flushing also helps maintain the energy efficiency of the water heater and prevents costly repairs. Intellihot tankless water heaters are designed to resist scaling and do not require flushing. However, most tankless water heaters benefit from annual flushing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Flushing is essential for maintaining the performance and efficiency of a tankless water heater.
  • Hard water scaling can cause mineral buildup, reducing water flow and energy efficiency.
  • Signs that your tankless water heater needs flushing include decreased water pressure and prolonged wait times for hot water.
  • Proper preparation and following the manufacturer's instructions are crucial for a successful flushing process.
  • Cleaning and replacing filters during flushing help maintain optimal performance.

Why Flushing a Tankless Water Heater is Important for Maintenance

Flushing a tankless water heater is crucial for maintaining its peak performance and efficiency. Over time, mineral deposits from hard water can accumulate in the pipes and fixtures, leading to reduced water flow and decreased energy efficiency. Flushing the tankless water heater helps remove these mineral sediments and ensures the required hot water demand is met. It also reduces wait times for hot water delivery and prevents breakdowns and costly repairs.

Regular flushing, along with other maintenance tips like cleaning filters, is essential for prolonging the lifespan of the tankless water heater. By taking these proactive measures, you can maintain optimal performance and ensure uninterrupted hot water supply.

Benefits of Flushing a Tankless Water Heater

Flushing a tankless water heater offers several benefits:

  • Maximizes hot water flow: Flushing removes mineral buildup, allowing for the maximum flow of hot water throughout your home or property.
  • Reduces wait times: By removing mineral deposits, flushing reduces the amount of time it takes for hot water to reach your faucets and fixtures.
  • Preserves energy efficiency: Flushing helps maintain the energy efficiency of the tankless water heater, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills.
  • Prevents breakdowns and repairs: Regular maintenance, including flushing, prevents the buildup of minerals that can lead to system failures and costly repairs.

By incorporating flushing into your tankless water heater maintenance routine, you can enjoy the benefits of efficient and reliable hot water for years to come.

Table: Comparison of Tankless Water Heater Cleaning Solutions

Cleaning Solution Advantages Disadvantages Vinegar Effective in breaking down mineral deposits Strong odor that may linger Commercial descaling agent Specifically formulated for removing mineral buildup May be more expensive than other alternatives Citric acid Gentle on components, yet effective in removing scale May require multiple applications for stubborn deposits Baking soda Natural cleaning agent that is safe and non-toxic Less effective on heavy mineral buildup

When choosing a cleaning solution for your tankless water heater, consider factors such as effectiveness, cost, and any potential odor or environmental concerns. Consult the manufacturer's guidelines or seek professional advice for the best cleaning solution suited to your specific tankless water heater model.

Signs that Your Tankless Water Heater Needs to be Flushed

Regularly flushing your tankless water heater is crucial to maintain its efficiency and performance. Over time, mineral deposits can accumulate in the pipes and fixtures of the heater, resulting in reduced water pressure and longer wait times for hot water. If you notice any of the following signs, it's a clear indication that your tankless water heater needs to be flushed:

  • Decreased water pressure: If you've been experiencing a significant drop in water pressure, it could be due to mineral buildup in the pipes. Flushing the system will help remove these deposits and restore normal water flow.
  • Prolonged wait times for hot water: If you find yourself waiting longer than usual for hot water to reach your taps or shower, it may be a sign of mineral accumulation. Flushing the tankless water heater will improve hot water delivery and reduce wait times.
  • Error codes displayed on the unit: Some tankless water heaters have built-in error code systems that indicate when maintenance is required. If you see any error codes related to scaling or mineral buildup, flushing the unit will help resolve the issue.

Ignoring these signs and failing to flush your tankless water heater can lead to more severe problems, including decreased energy efficiency and higher utility bills. It's recommended to flush your tankless water heater at least once a year, although more frequent flushing may be necessary in areas with hard water.

tankless water heater cleaning

By recognizing and addressing these signs, you can ensure that your tankless water heater continues to provide efficient and reliable hot water. In the next section, we will discuss how to prepare for the tankless water heater flushing process, including the necessary steps and precautions to take.

How to Prepare for the Tankless Water Heater Flushing Process

Before starting the tankless water heater flushing process, it is important to take the necessary preparation steps to ensure a smooth and efficient procedure. By following these guidelines, you can complete the flushing process effectively and minimize any potential complications.

Gather the Required Tools and Materials

Ensure you have all the necessary tools and materials for the tankless water heater flushing process. This includes a bucket, hoses, descaling or cleaning agent, a submersible circulation pump, and any additional items specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Having everything ready beforehand will make the process more convenient and efficient.

Familiarize Yourself with the Flushing Procedure

Review the tankless water heater's manual and any available resources to familiarize yourself with the specific flushing procedure for your model. Each manufacturer may have different guidelines and recommendations, so it is essential to understand the correct steps and precautions to take. If you are unsure about any aspect of the flushing process, it is advisable to contact a professional plumber for assistance.

Turn Off Power and Gas Supply

Prior to starting the flushing process, make sure to turn off the power and gas supply to the tankless water heater. This step is crucial for safety purposes. By cutting off the power and gas supply, you can prevent any accidents or damages during the flushing process.

Close Isolation Valves

Identify and close the isolation valves to stop the water flow into the tankless water heater. This step is necessary to ensure that the flushing process is effective. By isolating the water flow, you can focus on removing mineral buildup and sediment from the heater without interference.


Preparing for the tankless water heater flushing process involves gathering the necessary tools and materials, familiarizing yourself with the specific flushing procedure, and taking safety precautions such as turning off the power and gas supply. By following these steps, you can ensure a successful and efficient flushing process, maintaining the performance and longevity of your tankless water heater.

Steps to Flush a Tankless Water Heater

Flushing a tankless water heater is a crucial maintenance task that helps remove mineral buildup and ensure optimal performance. Follow these steps to effectively flush your tankless water heater:

  1. Turn off the power and gas supply to the tankless water heater.
  2. Locate and close the isolation valves to stop the water flow.
  3. Connect a hose to the cold-water inlet and another hose to the hot water outlet of the water heater.
  4. Place the free ends of the hoses in a bucket or drain to collect the water.
  5. Fill a container with a descaling agent, such as white vinegar, and connect a submersible circulation pump to the container.
  6. Connect the pump to the hoses of the tankless water heater.
  7. Open the isolation valves to allow the cleaning agent solution to circulate through the system.
  8. Let the cleaning agent circulate for the recommended duration specified by the manufacturer.
  9. After the flushing process, thoroughly rinse the tankless water heater with fresh water to remove any remaining cleaning agent.
  10. Remove and clean any filters in the water heater as per the manufacturer's instructions, and replace them if necessary.

Following these steps will help ensure the effective flushing of your tankless water heater, maintaining its efficiency and longevity.

Sample Table - Flushing Process Duration

Manufacturer Model Flushing Duration (minutes) Brand A Model X1 30-40 Brand B Model Y2 15-20 Brand C Model Z3 60-70

Note: The flushing duration may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer guidelines. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for the most accurate information.

Cleaning and Replacing Filters During the Flushing Process

While flushing the tankless water heater, it is an excellent opportunity to clean the in-line water filter and inspect the air filter. The in-line water filter helps prevent sediment and impurities from entering the heater. Clean the in-line water filter regularly, and replace it if necessary. The air filter, if present, should be replaced every six months or sooner if reduced water flow is noticed. Cleaning and replacing filters help maintain optimal performance and efficiency.

During the flushing process, follow these steps to clean and replace the filters:

  1. Turn off the power and gas supply to the tankless water heater.
  2. Locate the in-line water filter, typically located near the cold-water inlet, and remove it.
  3. Inspect the filter for any sediment or buildup. Use a soft brush or rinse it with water to clean the filter thoroughly.
  4. If the filter is damaged or worn out, replace it with a new one of the same size and specifications.
  5. If your tankless water heater has an air filter, locate it and remove it from its housing.
  6. Inspect the air filter for any debris or dust. If necessary, clean it with a vacuum cleaner or replace it with a new filter.

Regularly cleaning and replacing the filters in your tankless water heater will help maintain its efficiency and ensure a continuous supply of clean, hot water.

Maintenance Tips:

  • Refer to the manufacturer's instructions or user manual for specific guidance on cleaning and replacing filters for your tankless water heater model.
  • Keep spare filters on hand so that they can be replaced promptly when needed.
  • Consider scheduling annual maintenance checks with a professional plumber to ensure your tankless water heater is operating optimally.
tankless water heater maintenance

Tankless Water Heater Flushing and Restarting

Once you have completed the tankless water heater flushing process, it is important to restart the system correctly to ensure optimal performance. Follow these steps to restart your tankless water heater:

  1. Reassemble all components: Make sure all service caps are securely tightened and all connections are properly fitted.
  2. Open isolation valves: Open the isolation valves in the correct order to allow water to flow into the system. This will prevent any air pockets from forming.
  3. Reconnect power and gas supply: Restore power and gas supply to the tankless water heater. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific model to ensure proper reconnection.
  4. Restart the water heater: Start the tankless water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions. Be sure to check for any error codes or issues during the startup process and address them accordingly.

Finally, it is recommended to test the hot water flow to ensure there are no air pockets remaining in the system. Simply turn on a hot water tap and let it run for a few minutes to verify that hot water is flowing smoothly without interruption.

Restarting your tankless water heater properly after flushing is crucial for maintaining its efficiency and performance. Following these steps will help ensure that your tankless water heater is ready to deliver hot water whenever you need it.

Hiring a Professional for Tankless Water Heater Flushing

While regular tankless water heater maintenance, including flushing, is essential for maintaining optimal performance, not everyone feels comfortable or confident performing the task themselves. In such cases, it is highly advisable to hire a professional plumber to ensure an effective and safe flushing process.

A professional plumber has the expertise and experience required to perform the flushing procedure correctly, minimizing the risk of damage to the water heater or personal injury. They also have access to specialized tools and equipment that may be necessary for specific models or situations.

The cost of hiring a professional plumber for tankless water heater flushing typically ranges from $150 to $250, depending on factors such as location and the complexity of the job. While this may be an additional expense, it is a worthwhile investment in the long run as it helps prevent costly repairs and extends the lifespan of the water heater.

By hiring a professional, you can have peace of mind knowing that your tankless water heater will be properly maintained and continue to provide efficient hot water for years to come.

Benefits of Regular Tankless Water Heater Flushing

Regular flushing of a tankless water heater provides several benefits. It ensures the maximum flow of hot water, reduces wait times for hot water delivery, maintains energy efficiency, and prevents breakdowns and costly repairs. Flushing also helps extend the lifespan of the tankless water heater and ensures optimal performance. It is a small investment in maintenance that can save you from potential expenses and inconveniences in the long run.

Improved Hot Water Flow and Delivery

Flushing your tankless water heater removes mineral deposits and sediment build-up that can accumulate over time. These deposits can restrict the flow of hot water, leading to reduced water pressure and longer wait times for hot water delivery. By flushing the system regularly, you can ensure that hot water flows efficiently, providing you with the maximum hot water output when you need it most.

Maintained Energy Efficiency

Mineral scaling and sediment build-up in a tankless water heater can decrease its energy efficiency. The accumulation of these deposits can insulate the heating elements, forcing the system to work harder and consume more energy to heat the water. Regular flushing helps remove these deposits, allowing the water heater to operate at its optimal efficiency, resulting in energy savings and lower utility bills.

Prevention of Costly Repairs

Flushing your tankless water heater on a regular basis helps prevent breakdowns and costly repairs. Mineral deposits can cause damage to the heating elements and other components of the system, leading to malfunctions and the need for repairs. By flushing the water heater and removing these deposits, you can prolong the lifespan of the unit and avoid expensive repairs down the line.

Benefits of Regular Flushing Summary Improved Hot Water Flow and Delivery Ensures maximum flow of hot water and reduces wait times for hot water delivery. Maintained Energy Efficiency Prevents mineral scaling and sediment build-up, maintaining optimal energy efficiency. Prevention of Costly Repairs Helps avoid breakdowns and costly repairs by removing damaging mineral deposits.

The Future of Water Heating - Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters are revolutionizing the way we heat water, offering a more efficient and convenient solution compared to traditional tank-style water heaters. As technology continues to advance, tankless water heaters are becoming increasingly popular for residential, commercial, and business properties. With their compact size and on-demand hot water supply, tankless water heaters are the future of water heating.

One of the key advantages of tankless water heaters is their energy efficiency. Unlike tank-style water heaters that constantly heat and store water, tankless models only heat water when it is needed. This results in significant energy savings by eliminating standby heat loss. Additionally, tankless water heaters have a longer lifespan compared to tank-style heaters, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Another benefit of tankless water heaters is their unlimited hot water supply. With tank-style heaters, there is a limited amount of hot water stored, which can be depleted during periods of high demand. Tankless water heaters, on the other hand, heat water on demand, providing a continuous flow of hot water whenever it is needed. This eliminates the frustration of running out of hot water during showers or when multiple appliances are in use simultaneously.

Advantages of Tankless Water Heaters Traditional Tank-Style Water Heaters Energy efficiency High standby heat loss Longer lifespan Shorter lifespan Unlimited hot water supply Limited hot water storage

While tankless water heaters offer numerous benefits, it is important to note that regular maintenance is still necessary to ensure optimal performance. This includes periodic flushing to remove mineral build-up and maintain efficiency. By following manufacturer guidelines for tankless water heater maintenance, you can enjoy the full benefits of this innovative technology for years to come.

The Future is Bright

As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more efficient and user-friendly tankless water heaters in the future. Manufacturers are constantly improving their designs to enhance energy efficiency, reduce maintenance requirements, and provide advanced features for user convenience. With the increasing demand for sustainable and energy-efficient solutions, tankless water heaters are poised to become the go-to choice for water heating.

Whether you are upgrading your water heating system or building a new property, consider the long-term benefits of tankless water heaters. With their energy efficiency, unlimited hot water supply, and longer lifespan, they offer a reliable and efficient solution for all your hot water needs.

Tankless Water Heaters vs. Tank-Style Water Heaters

When it comes to water heaters, homeowners are often faced with the decision between tankless water heaters and tank-style water heaters. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, but understanding the key differences can help you make an informed decision. In this section, we will compare tankless water heaters and tank-style water heaters, focusing on their cleaning procedures and the best way to clean each type.

Comparison Table: Tankless Water Heaters vs. Tank-Style Water Heaters

Aspect Tankless Water Heaters Tank-Style Water Heaters Cleaning Procedure Regular flushing is necessary to remove mineral buildup and maintain performance. Flushing is not required as frequently, but periodic maintenance is still recommended. Best Way to Clean Flushing the tankless water heater involves connecting hoses and using a cleaning agent to remove mineral deposits. Flushing the tank-style water heater requires draining the tank and removing sediment or buildup. Advantages - Energy efficient - Compact size - Unlimited hot water supply - Lower upfront cost - Simpler installation - Requires less maintenance Disadvantages - Higher upfront cost - Potential flow rate limitations - Regular maintenance required - Limited hot water supply - Greater energy consumption - Larger physical footprint

Tankless water heaters offer several advantages over tank-style water heaters. They are more energy efficient, taking up less space and providing an endless supply of hot water. However, tankless water heaters require regular flushing to remove mineral buildup and maintain optimal performance.

On the other hand, tank-style water heaters have a lower upfront cost and simpler installation. They also require less maintenance compared to tankless models. Flushing a tank-style water heater involves draining the tank to remove sediment or buildup.

In conclusion, the decision between a tankless water heater and a tank-style water heater depends on your specific needs and preferences. While tankless models offer greater energy efficiency and a compact design, they require more maintenance, including regular flushing. Tank-style water heaters have a lower upfront cost and simpler maintenance, but they are limited in the amount of hot water they can provide. Consider your hot water usage, available space, and long-term maintenance commitment when choosing the right water heater for your home.

Tankless Water Heater Installation by Water Heaters Now

We at Water Heaters Now offer professional tankless water heater installation services for residential, commercial, and business properties. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing efficient and reliable solutions, ensuring proper functioning and optimal performance of your tankless water heater.

With our services available 24/7, 365 days a year in the Greater Twin Cities Area of Minnesota, we prioritize your convenience and satisfaction. Whether you require a new installation or need assistance with maintenance and cleaning, our experienced technicians are equipped to handle all your tankless water heater needs.

When it comes to tankless water heater installation, it is essential to trust the experts to ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience. Our professionals have the knowledge and expertise to handle the installation process with precision and ensure that your tankless water heater operates efficiently and effectively.

Choose Water Heaters Now for reliable and professional tankless water heater installation services. With our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction, you can trust us to provide the best solutions for your heating needs.

Table: Water Heaters Now - Tankless Water Heater Installation Services

Services Description New Installation Expert installation of new tankless water heaters according to industry standards and manufacturer guidelines. Maintenance and Cleaning Thorough cleaning and maintenance services to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your tankless water heater. 24/7 Emergency Service Availability around the clock for any emergency tankless water heater installation or repair needs. Experienced Technicians Highly skilled and trained technicians with extensive experience in tankless water heater installation.

Trust Water Heaters Now for all your tankless water heater installation needs. Our reliable and professional services ensure that your tankless water heater operates at its best, providing you with hot water on demand.

Note: It is essential to consult a professional plumber to ensure proper installation and maintenance of your tankless water heater. Only a qualified technician should handle the installation process.


Maintaining and cleaning a tankless water heater is crucial for its efficiency, longevity, and performance. Flushing the water heater removes mineral build-up, improves water flow, and ensures optimal hot water delivery. Regular maintenance, including cleaning filters and inspecting for damage, helps prevent costly repairs and extends the lifespan of the tankless water heater.

Whether you choose to flush the tankless water heater yourself or hire a professional, prioritizing maintenance will keep your hot water system running smoothly for years to come. Remember to follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the recommended cleaning solution for the best results. Taking care of your tankless water heater will ensure that you always have access to hot water when you need it.

So, don't neglect the maintenance of your tankless water heater. Invest a little time and effort into cleaning and maintaining it regularly to enjoy its benefits for years to come. By staying proactive and taking care of your tankless water heater, you'll save money on repairs and replacements in the long run.


Why is flushing a tankless water heater important for maintenance?

Flushing a tankless water heater is important to remove mineral buildup, improve water flow, and maintain optimal hot water delivery. It also helps prevent breakdowns and costly repairs.

What are the signs that my tankless water heater needs to be flushed?

Signs that your tankless water heater needs to be flushed include decreased water pressure, prolonged wait times for hot water, and error codes displayed on the unit.

How do I prepare for the tankless water heater flushing process?

Before starting the flushing process, turn off the power and gas supply to the tankless water heater. Close the isolation valves to stop the water flow, and gather the necessary supplies.

What are the steps to flush a tankless water heater?

The steps to flush a tankless water heater involve connecting hoses, using a submersible pump to circulate a cleaning agent, flushing for a specified duration, and rinsing with fresh water.

Should I clean and replace filters during the flushing process?

Yes, it is recommended to clean the in-line water filter and inspect the air filter during the flushing process. Regularly cleaning and replacing filters helps maintain optimal performance.

How do I restart my tankless water heater after flushing?

After completing the flushing process, reassemble all components, ensure all service caps are securely tightened, open the isolation valves, and reconnect the power and gas supply. Restart the heater according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Should I hire a professional for tankless water heater flushing?

While you can flush your tankless water heater yourself, it may be advisable to hire a professional plumber if you are unsure or uncomfortable with the process. A professional will have the expertise and tools necessary for an effective and safe flushing.

What are the benefits of regular tankless water heater flushing?

Regular tankless water heater flushing ensures maximum flow of hot water, reduces wait times for hot water delivery, maintains energy efficiency, extends the lifespan of the heater, and prevents breakdowns and costly repairs.

What is the difference between tankless water heaters and tank-style water heaters?

Tankless water heaters provide hot water on demand and do not require a large storage tank, while tank-style water heaters store and continuously heat a large volume of water.

Can Water Heaters Now assist with tankless water heater installation?

Yes, Water Heaters Now offers professional tankless water heater installation services for residential, commercial, and business properties in the Greater Twin Cities Area of Minnesota.

Why should I prioritize cleaning and maintenance of my tankless water heater?

Cleaning and maintaining your tankless water heater is e

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