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Exploring Electric Tankless Water Heater Pros and Cons: Our Analysis

Are you considering an electric tankless water heater for your home? These innovative devices offer many benefits over traditional water heating methods, but they also have some drawbacks to consider. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of electric tankless water heaters to help you make an informed decision.

Before we dive into the pros and cons, let's define what we mean by electric tankless water heaters. These devices provide hot water on-demand without the need for a storage tank. Water flows through the unit and is heated by electric coils before being delivered to your faucet or showerhead.

Now, let's take a closer look at the benefits and drawbacks of electric tankless water heaters.

Key Takeaways:

  • An electric tankless water heater provides hot water on-demand without the need for a storage tank.
  • There are both advantages and disadvantages to consider when choosing an electric tankless water heater.
  • Factors such as energy efficiency, installation requirements, and water flow rates should be evaluated before making a decision.
  • Cost is a significant consideration, both upfront expenses and long-term savings should be analyzed.
  • Other water heating options may be more suitable depending on your specific needs and priorities.

Understanding Electric Tankless Water Heaters

Electric tankless water heaters, also known as on-demand water heaters, provide hot water only when needed, rather than storing hot water in a tank and keeping it heated at all times. These devices have gained popularity due to their energy efficiency and space-saving design. In this section, we will delve deeper into the benefits and drawbacks of electric tankless water heaters.

The Benefits of Electric Tankless Water Heaters

The primary benefit of electric tankless water heaters is energy efficiency. Since they only heat water when needed, they use less energy compared to traditional tank water heaters, which are constantly heating water to maintain its temperature. This results in lower utility bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

Another advantage of electric tankless water heaters is their compact size and space-saving design. They don't require a large storage tank, which can take up valuable space in your home. Instead, they can be installed on a wall, under a sink, or in a closet.

The Drawbacks of Electric Tankless Water Heaters

While electric tankless water heaters have numerous benefits, they also have some drawbacks. Firstly, they have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional tank water heaters. Additionally, they may require electrical upgrades to accommodate their power requirements. This means installation costs can be higher as well.

Another potential drawback is that electric tankless water heaters may not be able to provide hot water at a high flow rate. This can limit their ability to supply hot water to multiple fixtures simultaneously, such as running a shower and dishwasher at the same time.

The Advantages of Electric Tankless Water Heaters

Electric tankless water heaters offer several benefits over traditional tank-style water heaters. Let's examine the merits of choosing an electric tankless water heater for your home:

Energy Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of electric tankless water heaters is their energy efficiency. These heaters only heat water when it is needed, reducing energy consumption and lowering your utility bills. In contrast, tank-style water heaters continually use energy to keep a large tank of water hot, even when you aren't using any hot water.

Space Savings

Electric tankless water heaters are much smaller than traditional tank-style water heaters, saving you valuable space in your home. These heaters can be installed on walls or in compact spaces, freeing up room for storage or other uses.

Endless Hot Water

With an electric tankless water heater, you never have to worry about running out of hot water. These heaters provide a constant supply of hot water on-demand, letting you take long showers or run multiple hot water fixtures at the same time.


Electric tankless water heaters typically last longer than traditional tank-style water heaters, with a lifespan of up to 20 years. This longevity can save you money in the long run, as you won't have to replace the heater as frequently.

Lower Maintenance Requirements

Electric tankless water heaters have fewer maintenance requirements than traditional tank-style water heaters. There is no need to drain the tank or check for leaks, which can save you time and hassle.

Environmentally Friendly

Electric tankless water heaters use less energy than traditional tank-style water heaters, making them a more environmentally friendly option. These heaters also eliminate the need for a large tank of water, reducing water waste and helping to conserve natural resources.

Overall, electric tankless water heaters offer numerous advantages over traditional tank-style water heaters. However, it's essential to consider the potential drawbacks as well before making a final decision. Let's take a closer look at these drawbacks in the next section.

The Drawbacks of Electric Tankless Water Heaters

While electric tankless water heaters offer several advantages over traditional tank heaters, they do come with some drawbacks. In this section, we will discuss the efficiency and potential drawbacks of electric tankless water heaters.

Upfront costs

One of the biggest drawbacks of electric tankless water heaters is their upfront cost. These units typically cost more than traditional tank heaters, and may also require additional electrical upgrades to handle the higher energy demands. The cost of installation can also be significant, especially if professional assistance is required.

Limited water flow

Although electric tankless water heaters offer immediate hot water as needed, they may not be able to provide enough hot water to supply multiple fixtures simultaneously. If you have a large household or frequently use multiple fixtures at once, you may need to consider additional units or a different type of water heater.

Temperature fluctuations

Another potential drawback of electric tankless water heaters is temperature fluctuations. These units may not be able to maintain a consistent water temperature, especially if the incoming water is very cold. You may need to adjust the temperature frequently to get the desired results.

Required electrical upgrades

As mentioned earlier, electric tankless water heaters can be more energy-efficient than traditional tank heaters. However, achieving this efficiency may require electrical upgrades to your home. This can incur additional costs and may require professional assistance to ensure a safe installation.

Maintenance requirements

Electric tankless water heaters require regular maintenance, which can be time-consuming and costly. Scale build-up can decrease efficiency and damage the unit over time. Additionally, regular cleaning and flushing may be required to ensure the unit operates correctly.

Overall efficiency

While electric tankless water heaters are often touted as more efficient than traditional tank heaters, their overall efficiency may be impacted by factors such as water usage patterns, temperature settings, and the need for additional units. It's important to consider your specific needs and usage patterns when evaluating the efficiency of an electric tankless water heater.

In the next section, we will explore the efficiency and energy savings of electric tankless water heaters in greater detail to help you make an informed decision.

Efficiency and Energy Savings

Electric tankless water heaters are renowned for their energy-efficient operation. By providing hot water on demand, they eliminate the standby heat losses incurred by traditional water heaters that maintain a tank full of hot water at all times. This means that electric tankless water heaters consume less energy and are more environmentally friendly than their tank counterparts.

However, it's important to note that the energy savings of electric tankless water heaters come with some drawbacks. These units require a large amount of electrical power to operate effectively, which can lead to significant electrical upgrades to your home's electrical system and higher installation costs. Additionally, the amount of hot water is limited, which can impact the overall efficiency and user satisfaction if multiple fixtures are needed simultaneously.

Energy Efficiency Ratings

When shopping for electric tankless water heaters, you should pay attention to their energy efficiency ratings. The higher the rating, the more efficient the unit is, and the more cost savings you can expect. The Energy Factor (EF) is a measure of a water heater's overall efficiency, and the Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) reflects the whole-house efficiency of gas and electric tankless water heaters.

Electric Tankless Water Heater Energy Factor Stiebel Eltron Tempra Plus 0.99 Rheem RTEX-18 0.93 EcoSmart ECO 27 0.93

As shown in the table above, some of the most popular electric tankless water heaters on the market offer high energy efficiency ratings, leading to significant energy savings over time. However, keep in mind that the upfront cost of these high-efficiency models may be higher than less efficient models, so it is important to consider both upfront and long-term costs when making a purchase decision.

Potential Drawbacks

While the energy savings of electric tankless water heaters are undeniable, there are some potential drawbacks to consider. One of the most significant is their limited flow rate, which means that these units may not be able to supply enough hot water to meet peak demand. Additionally, the required electrical upgrades can be expensive and may require professional installation, adding to the overall cost of the unit.

Despite these drawbacks, the energy efficiency and cost savings of electric tankless water heaters make them an attractive option for many households. As technology continues to improve, we can expect these units to become even more efficient and user-friendly in the years to come.

Installation Considerations

Installing an electric tankless water heater offers numerous benefits, but it also requires specific considerations. In this section, we will discuss the pros and cons of installation, including the need for professional assistance and potential modifications to your electrical system.

Professional Installation

One of the biggest advantages of installing an electric tankless water heater is the potential for energy savings. However, installing these devices requires professional assistance to ensure proper installation and safety.

Professional installation can be costly, but it guarantees that your unit is installed correctly and according to local codes and regulations. It's important to hire a licensed and experienced professional to handle the installation for you.

Electrical Upgrades

Another consideration of installing an electric tankless water heater is the need for electrical upgrades. These units require a significant amount of power to operate, which means that your existing electrical system may not be sufficient.

You may need to upgrade your electrical panel or install a new circuit to support the unit. This can add additional costs to the installation process and should be factored into your budget before making a decision.

Space Considerations

One of the advantages of electric tankless water heaters is their space-saving design, but it's important to consider the physical space available for installation. These units typically require wall mounting, which means you'll need sufficient wall space and clearance for the unit.

You should measure the available space and compare it to the unit's dimensions before making a decision. Keep in mind that the unit should also be easily accessible for maintenance and repairs.

Compatibility with Existing Fixtures

Another factor to consider when installing an electric tankless water heater is its compatibility with your existing fixtures. These units require a certain flow rate and pressure to operate correctly, which can be affected by your current plumbing setup.

You may need to make modifications or additions to your plumbing system to ensure that the unit can handle the required flow rate. This can add additional costs to the installation process and should be factored into your budget.


Installing an electric tankless water heater offers several benefits, but it's important to carefully consider the installation process. Professional installation, electrical upgrades, space considerations, and compatibility with existing fixtures are all factors that should be evaluated before making a decision. With proper planning and budgeting, however, electric tankless water heaters can provide significant energy savings and long-term benefits.

Performance and Water Flow: Evaluating Electric Tankless Water Heater Pros versus Cons

When it comes to performance, electric tankless water heaters have both advantages and disadvantages. Let's examine some of the pros and cons of these home heating devices.

Pro: High Water Flow Rates

One of the most significant advantages of electric tankless water heaters is their ability to produce high water flow rates. This enables you to enjoy hot water quickly and without interruption, even during peak usage times.

Con: Potential Temperature Fluctuations

On the other hand, some electric tankless water heaters may experience temperature fluctuations when providing hot water to multiple fixtures simultaneously. However, newer models with advanced technology can often mitigate this problem.

Pro: Consistent Water Temperature

Electric tankless water heaters are designed to deliver consistent water temperatures, regardless of changes in water flow rates. This means you can say goodbye to the frustration of cold showers or having to readjust the water temperature mid-shower.

Con: Limited Capacity

While electric tankless water heaters offer endless hot water, there is a limit to how much water they can heat at once. This means there may be a delay in hot water delivery if multiple people are using hot water simultaneously or if you have a large household with high water usage.

Pro: Handle Multiple Fixtures

Newer electric tankless water heaters are designed to handle multiple fixtures at once, making them suitable for larger households or homes with higher water usage. The ability to simultaneously run the dishwasher, washing machine, and take a shower without any interruption in hot water is a significant advantage.

Con: Potential for Mineral Buildup

Electric tankless water heaters may be more susceptible to mineral buildup, which can impact their performance and lifespan. Regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent this from becoming an issue.

Pro: Longevity

Electric tankless water heaters typically have a longer lifespan than traditional tank water heaters, with some models lasting up to 20 years or more. This means you can enjoy long-term savings on replacement costs and reduced environmental impact.

Overall, when evaluating electric tankless water heater pros versus cons, it's clear that these devices offer many benefits but also have some limitations. Understanding your household's specific needs and usage patterns can help you determine if electric tankless water heaters are the right choice for you.

Lifespan and Durability

When considering electric tankless water heaters, it's important to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages in terms of lifespan and durability.

Advantages: One of the benefits of electric tankless water heaters is their durability. Unlike traditional water heaters, which can rust and corrode over time, electric tankless heaters are constructed with high-quality materials that can withstand the elements. As a result, these heaters can last up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance.

Additionally, electric tankless water heaters have fewer components that can malfunction, resulting in fewer repairs and maintenance costs over time.

Disadvantages: Despite their longevity, electric tankless water heaters may require regular maintenance to maintain their efficiency and performance. Specifically, these units may need to be descaled periodically to remove mineral buildup that can affect water flow and temperature. Failure to descale the unit can lead to reduced efficiency and even damage to the heating elements.

In addition, while electric tankless water heaters may last longer than traditional tank heaters, they also come with a higher upfront cost. This initial investment can be significant for homeowners on a budget, and it may take several years of energy savings to recoup the cost.

AdvantagesDisadvantagesLifespanCan last up to 20 years or moreMay require regular maintenance for optimal performanceDurabilityConstructed with high-quality materials and have fewer components that can malfunctionHigher upfront cost compared to traditional tank heaters

Overall, electric tankless water heaters offer a durable and long-lasting option for home water heating needs. However, homeowners should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of these units, taking into account maintenance requirements and initial investment costs.

The Environmental Impact of Electric Tankless Water Heaters: Pros and Cons

At a time when we are all striving towards more eco-friendly living, it is important to consider the environmental impact of the appliances we use in our homes. In this section, we will discuss the pros and cons of electric tankless water heaters from an environmental perspective.

The Pros

  • Energy Efficiency: Electric tankless water heaters are highly efficient, as they only heat water as needed, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Reduced Water Waste: Traditional water heaters with storage tanks often result in wasted water due to lengthy wait times for hot water. With electric tankless water heaters, there is no waiting, which means less water waste.

The Cons

  • Upfront Carbon Footprint: While electric tankless water heaters are more efficient in the long run, they require significant energy and resources to manufacture, resulting in a higher upfront carbon footprint compared to traditional water heaters.
  • Electrical Upgrades: To install an electric tankless water heater, you may need to upgrade your electrical system, requiring additional energy and resources.

Overall, electric tankless water heaters offer several environmental benefits, particularly in terms of energy efficiency and reduced water waste. However, it is important to consider the higher upfront carbon footprint and potential electrical upgrades needed for installation. These factors should be weighed against your personal environmental priorities and goals when deciding whether an electric tankless water heater is right for your home.

Cost Analysis: Upfront vs. Long-Term

Cost is a significant factor to consider when deciding on electric tankless water heaters. While these units can have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional water heaters, they can also offer significant long-term savings. Below, we've outlined some of the key merits and demerits of electric tankless water heaters in terms of their costs:

Merits: Demerits: Lower energy bills: With efficient electric tankless water heaters, you can potentially save money on your monthly energy bills since you only heat the water you need. Higher upfront costs: Electric tankless water heaters can have higher upfront costs than traditional water heaters due to the advanced technology and installation requirements. Longer lifespan: Electric tankless water heaters can last up to 20 years or more, which can be longer than traditional water heaters. This can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent replacements. Installation costs: Since electric tankless water heaters require professional installation, there can be additional installation costs that add to the upfront expenses. Less maintenance: With fewer moving parts, electric tankless water heaters require less maintenance compared to traditional water heaters, which can save you money on maintenance costs over time. Potential electrical upgrades: Depending on your home's electrical system, you may need to upgrade your electrical panel to accommodate an electric tankless water heater. This can add additional costs to the upfront expenses.

Overall, electric tankless water heaters have the potential to save you money in the long run, but they can require a higher initial investment. It's important to consider your budget and long-term goals when deciding whether an electric tankless water heater is right for you.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing

When it comes to deciding whether to invest in an electric tankless water heater, there are several factors you should consider. We have explored both the benefits and drawbacks of these innovative devices, and now it's time to evaluate how they fit into your specific needs and lifestyle.

Household Water Usage

One of the most critical factors is how much hot water your household uses on a daily basis. Electric tankless water heaters can handle a limited amount of hot water flow at a time, so if you have a large family or frequently run multiple hot water fixtures simultaneously, you may want to explore other options. On the other hand, if you have a smaller household and tend to use hot water intermittently throughout the day, an electric tankless water heater could be a great fit.

Installation Costs

While electric tankless water heaters do offer long-term cost savings, they also require a significant upfront investment. You may need to upgrade your electrical system to accommodate the power requirements of the heater, and you may also need professional installation assistance. Before making a decision, be sure to obtain a clear estimate of all the installation costs involved.

Space Considerations

Electric tankless water heaters are generally much smaller than traditional tank heaters, but they still require space for installation. Additionally, in some cases, you may need to install more than one heater to maintain hot water flow throughout your home. Before committing to an electric tankless water heater, make sure you have enough space to accommodate the device(s) and any necessary modifications to your plumbing or electrical systems.

Environmental Impact

Electric tankless water heaters are generally considered more environmentally friendly than traditional tank heaters. They use less energy to heat water and produce less waste, which translates into a lower carbon footprint. If environmental impact is a priority for you, an electric tankless water heater could be a great choice.

Budget and Priorities

Finally, remember to consider your budget and priorities when making a decision. While electric tankless water heaters do offer long-term energy savings, they also require a significant upfront investment. If you are on a tight budget or have other priorities, such as home renovations or debt reduction, you may want to hold off on investing in an electric tankless water heater.

In summary, when considering electric tankless water heaters, think carefully about your household's hot water usage, installation costs, available space, environmental impact, and budget. By weighing these factors against the benefits and drawbacks we have discussed, you can make an informed decision about whether this technology is right for you.

Other Considerations and Alternatives

While electric tankless water heaters offer many advantages, there are also some aspects to consider before making a final decision.

Factors to Consider

When deciding whether to use an electric tankless water heater, you should consider factors such as your home's electrical capacity and water usage patterns. If you have a small home with minimal electrical needs and low hot water demand, an electric tankless water heater may be a good fit for you. However, if you have a larger home with high hot water demand and limited electrical capacity, a tankless water heater may not be the best option for you.

Alternative Water Heating Options

If an electric tankless water heater doesn't meet your needs, there are alternative options to consider. For example, a gas-powered tankless water heater may be a better choice if you have high hot water demand and limited electrical capacity. Alternatively, you could consider a traditional storage tank water heater, which may be more suitable for larger households or homes with limited electrical capacity.

Pros and Cons of Using Electric Tankless Water Heaters

Pros Cons

  • Energy efficient
  • Endless hot water supply
  • Space-saving
  • Long lifespan
  • Higher upfront costs
  • May require electrical upgrades
  • May have limitations on water flow
  • May not be suitable for high hot water demand or limited electrical capacity homes
  • May have higher maintenance costs
  • May be less eco-friendly than other water heating options

As shown in the table above, electric tankless water heaters offer energy efficiency, endless hot water supply, space-saving features, and long lifespans. However, they also come with higher upfront costs, potential electrical upgrades, and may not be suitable for certain home sizes or electrical capacities. Additionally, the maintenance costs may be higher compared to other water heating options, and the environmental impact may not be the most eco-friendly.

Overall, when considering whether to use an electric tankless water heater, it's important to weigh the pros and cons against your specific needs and priorities.

Conclusion: Understanding Electric Tankless Water Heater Pros and Cons

After analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of electric tankless water heaters, we hope you have gained a better understanding of whether this heating solution is right for your home. It's important to consider factors such as energy efficiency, installation costs, and water flow rates when making your decision.

While electric tankless water heaters offer numerous advantages, such as space savings and endless hot water supply, they also have some limitations, including the need for electrical upgrades and potential upfront costs.

Overall, the decision to install an electric tankless water heater depends on your specific needs, budget, and priorities. Don't forget to consider other factors, such as water usage patterns and available space, before making your final decision.

Whether you choose an electric tankless water heater or another water heating option, we encourage you to make an informed decision that suits your needs. We hope this analysis of electric tankless water heater pros and cons has been helpful in guiding you towards the right choice for your home.


What is an electric tankless water heater?

An electric tankless water heater is a device that heats water on demand without the need for a storage tank. It uses electricity to heat the water as it passes through the unit, providing instant hot water whenever needed.

What are the benefits of using an electric tankless water heater?

Electric tankless water heaters offer several advantages, including energy efficiency, space savings, and an endless supply of hot water. They are also more environmentally friendly and have a longer lifespan compared to traditional storage tank water heaters.

Are there any drawbacks to using an electric tankless water heater?

Yes, there are some drawbacks to consider. Electric tankless water heaters can have higher upfront costs compared to traditional water heaters, and they may require electrical upgrades in certain cases. Additionally, their performance may be limited by the flow rate of water and the number of fixtures being used simultaneously.

How energy-efficient are electric tankless water heaters?

Electric tankless water heaters are known for their energy efficiency. Since they only heat water as it is needed, they eliminate the standby heat loss that occurs with traditional tank water heaters. This can result in significant energy savings and lower utility bills.

What should I consider before installing an electric tankless water heater?

Before installation, it's important to consider factors such as the need for professional assistance, potential modifications to your electrical system, and the availability of adequate electrical power. Consulting with a licensed plumber or electrician is recommended to ensure a successful installation.

How does the performance of an electric tankless water heater compare to traditional water heaters?

Electric tankless water heaters can provide continuous hot water, but their performance may be affected by factors such as the flow rate of water and the number of fixtures being used simultaneously. It's essential to select a unit that can meet your household's hot water demands to ensure optimal performance.

What is the lifespan of an electric tankless water heater?

Electric tankless water heaters generally have a longer lifespan compared to traditional tank water heaters. With proper maintenance, they can last up to 20 ye

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