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Electric Tankless Water Heater vs Gas: Factual Comparison Guide

When deciding between an electric or gas tankless water heater, there are several important factors to consider. These include the availability of gas or electrical supply, cost of installation, water usage habits, homeowner preference, and the availability of adequate energy sources. It is crucial to evaluate these factors in order to determine which type of water heater is best suited for your needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consider the availability of gas or electrical supply in your home or business.
  • Compare the initial cost between electric and gas tankless water heaters.
  • Electric tankless water heaters are generally more efficient and have lower operating costs.
  • Installation considerations differ for electric and gas models, with electric units being more flexible.
  • Maintenance and warranty factors should also be taken into account.

Initial Cost Comparison

When considering an electric or gas tankless water heater, one of the first considerations is the initial cost. In this section, we will compare the cost of these two types of water heaters.

Electric tankless water heaters are generally more affordable upfront compared to gas tankless water heaters. The cost of a whole house electric tankless water heater typically ranges from $500 to $700. On the other hand, gas tankless water heaters can cost $1,000 or more. It is important to note that these prices are for the product only and do not include installation costs.

To summarize the cost comparison between electric and gas tankless water heaters:

Type of Water Heater Cost Range Electric Tankless Water Heater $500 - $700 Gas Tankless Water Heater $1,000 or more

As we can see from the table, electric tankless water heaters are generally more cost-effective in terms of the initial product cost.

Comparison Notes:

  • Electric tankless water heaters have a cost range of $500 - $700.
  • Gas tankless water heaters can cost $1,000 or more.
  • The prices mentioned above are for the product only and do not include installation costs.

Efficiency and Operating Cost

When comparing electric and gas tankless water heaters, one important factor to consider is their efficiency and operating cost. Electric tankless water heaters are known for their high efficiency, typically rated at 98% or higher, while gas tankless water heaters have an efficiency rating of around 80-85%. This means that electric models can convert a higher percentage of the energy they consume into usable hot water, resulting in lower energy waste and operating costs.

The benefits of gas tankless water heaters lie in their lower cost per BTU of output power. Natural gas is often cheaper than electricity, so in terms of operating costs, gas models can be more cost-effective in the short term. However, it's essential to consider the long-term perspective. Gas prices are expected to rise significantly in the future, while electricity rates tend to be more stable. This makes electric tankless water heaters a more cost-effective option over time.

efficiency of electric tankless water heater

Electric Tankless Water Heater Gas Tankless Water Heater Efficiency Rating 98%+ 80-85% Operating Cost Lower (long-term) Lower (short-term), but expected to rise Energy Source Cost Stable electricity rates Volatile gas prices

Considering the higher efficiency, longer service life, and lower installation costs associated with electric tankless water heaters, they often provide a better overall value despite slightly higher operating costs compared to gas models. The choice between electric and gas tankless water heaters ultimately depends on individual preferences, available energy sources, and long-term cost considerations.

Installation Considerations

When choosing between an electric tankless water heater for homes or a gas tankless water heater for commercial use, installation considerations play a crucial role. The installation process for each type differs in complexity, cost, and flexibility.

Electric Tankless Water Heater for Homes: Electric tankless water heaters are smaller in size and do not require ventilation, making them more flexible for residential installation. These units can be conveniently placed in various locations such as closets, under sinks, or in crawl spaces. The simplified installation process translates to lower installation costs for homeowners.

Gas Tankless Water Heater for Commercial Use: On the other hand, gas tankless water heaters often require more complex installation procedures. These units need proper venting and combustion air supply systems, which can increase the overall installation cost. Due to their specific requirements, gas tankless water heaters are more commonly used in commercial or high-demand applications rather than residential settings.

Table: Comparison of Installation Considerations

Installation Considerations Electric Tankless Water Heater for Homes Gas Tankless Water Heater for Commercial Use Size Smaller Standard size Venting and Combustion Air Supply Not required Required Installation Locations Closets, under sinks, crawl spaces Commercial or high-demand settings Installation Cost Lower Higher

Maintenance and Warranty

Ensuring the performance and longevity of your tankless water heater is essential for a reliable and efficient hot water supply. When it comes to maintenance and warranty, electric tankless water heaters have several advantages over their gas counterparts.

Electric tankless water heaters require minimal maintenance due to their simplified design. They do not have any combustion components or moving parts that may wear out over time. Regular maintenance typically involves checking for mineral buildup and flushing the unit to maintain optimal performance. With proper care, electric tankless water heaters can provide many years of trouble-free operation.

In terms of warranty, electric tankless water heaters often come with longer coverage compared to gas models. Manufacturers recognize the durability and reliability of electric units and provide warranties that range from 5 to 15 years, depending on the brand and model. This extended warranty coverage offers peace of mind and protection against any potential defects or performance issues.

Electric Tankless Water Heaters Gas Tankless Water Heaters Minimal maintenance required Annual maintenance for safe operation Longer service life Slightly shorter service life Extended warranty coverage (5-15 years) Typically shorter warranty coverage (2-10 years)

Overall, electric tankless water heaters offer low-maintenance operation and longer service life, making them a reliable and cost-effective choice for homeowners looking for hassle-free hot water supply. With extended warranty coverage, homeowners can have peace of mind knowing that their investment is protected.

performance of gas tankless water heater

Availability of Energy Source

When choosing between an electric or gas tankless water heater, one crucial factor to consider is the availability of the energy source in your home or business. Electric tankless water heaters require a high-output electrical supply, typically a 200 AMP service, to operate efficiently. On the other hand, gas tankless water heaters rely on an existing gas line or propane supply.

If you already have a gas line or propane supply available, opting for a gas tankless water heater may be a more convenient choice. However, if gas infrastructure is not readily accessible or you prefer to eliminate the use of natural gas or propane for safety or environmental reasons, an electric tankless water heater may be the better option.

Before making a decision, it is essential to ensure that your home or business has the necessary energy source available. Consulting with a professional installer or electrician can help determine the feasibility and adequacy of your electric or gas supply for the chosen type of tankless water heater.

Table: Availability of Energy Source Comparison

Factor Electric Tankless Water Heater Gas Tankless Water Heater Energy Source High-output electrical supply (typically 200 AMP service) Existing gas line or propane supply Availability May require electrical upgrades Requires access to gas or propane infrastructure Safety No combustion risks Potential risks of gas leaks Environmental Impact No greenhouse gas emissions Contributes to greenhouse gas emissions

As seen in the table above, electric tankless water heaters require a high-output electrical supply and may necessitate electrical upgrades to accommodate their power requirements. On the other hand, gas tankless water heaters rely on existing gas or propane infrastructure.

When considering the availability of energy sources, it's also important to keep in mind the safety aspects. Electric tankless water heaters eliminate the risks associated with gas leaks or combustion, making them a safer choice for some homeowners. Additionally, electric units have a smaller environmental impact, producing no greenhouse gas emissions during operation.

Ultimately, the availability of the energy source will heavily influence your decision between electric and gas tankless water heaters. Evaluating your current electrical or gas infrastructure, as well as considering safety and environmental concerns, will help guide you towards the right choice.

Water Usage Habits and Needs

Understanding your water usage habits and needs is crucial when choosing between an electric and gas tankless water heater. While both options can provide an adequate supply of hot water, there are certain considerations to keep in mind.

For households with average hot water usage, electric tankless water heaters are typically sufficient. These units offer a range of hot water flow rates, depending on the model and climate. In general, electric tankless water heaters can deliver anywhere from 3 to 8 gallons of hot water per minute. This is suitable for most daily needs, including showers, dishwashing, and laundry.

However, if you have a larger household or require simultaneous hot water usage at multiple points, a gas tankless water heater may be more suitable. Gas models often have the capability to accommodate higher flow rates, making them ideal for accommodating the demands of larger families or commercial settings.

Factors to Consider

When evaluating your water usage habits and needs, consider factors such as the number of people in your household, the frequency of hot water usage, and the peak demand periods. This will help you determine the appropriate flow rate and capacity required for your specific situation.

Table: Comparison of Water Usage Habits and Needs

Factor Electric Tankless Water Heater Gas Tankless Water Heater Hot Water Flow Rate 3-8 gallons per minute Higher flow rates available Household Size Smaller to average-sized households Larger households or commercial applications Simultaneous Hot Water Needs Single or limited points of use Multiple points of use Peak Demand Periods Consider off-peak usage and demand Can handle high-demand periods

By considering your water usage habits and needs, you can make an informed decision on whether an electric or gas tankless water heater is the right choice for your home or business.

Homeowner Preference

When it comes to choosing between an electric or gas tankless water heater, homeowner preference plays a significant role. The benefits and advantages of an electric tankless water heater make it an appealing choice for many homeowners.

Firstly, electric tankless water heaters eliminate the need for natural gas or propane, providing peace of mind in terms of safety. This can be particularly important for homeowners who prioritize the safety of their household. Additionally, electric units offer higher energy efficiency, resulting in lower operating costs and reduced environmental impact. With an efficiency rating of 98% or higher, electric tankless water heaters are an excellent choice for those seeking energy-efficient solutions.

Furthermore, homeowner preferences regarding energy sources can also influence the decision. Some individuals may have a preference for one type of energy source over another, such as renewable energy options like solar or wind power. Electric tankless water heaters have the advantage of being compatible with these renewable energy sources, allowing homeowners to further reduce their carbon footprint.

Advantages of Electric Tankless Water Heater:

  • Eliminates the use of natural gas or propane
  • Higher energy efficiency, resulting in lower operating costs
  • Ability to utilize renewable energy sources like solar or wind power

In conclusion, homeowner preference is a crucial factor to consider when selecting a tankless water heater. The benefits of an electric tankless water heater, such as enhanced safety, energy efficiency, and compatibility with renewable energy sources, make it an attractive choice for many homeowners. By aligning personal preferences with the advantages of electric units, homeowners can make an informed decision that best suits their needs and requirements.

Price and Cost of Installation

When considering the purchase of a tankless water heater, it is essential to evaluate both the initial price and the cost of installation. These factors can significantly impact the overall affordability of the unit and the long-term financial benefits it offers. In this section, we will compare the cost of electric and gas tankless water heaters, along with the associated installation costs.

Electric tankless water heaters generally have a lower initial price compared to gas models. On average, a whole house electric unit can range from $500 to $700, while gas tankless water heaters can cost $1,000 or more. However, it's important to remember that these prices do not include installation.

The installation costs for tankless water heaters can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the installation, labor rates in your area, and any necessary modifications to your existing plumbing system. Gas tankless water heaters often require additional venting and combustion air supply systems, which can increase the installation costs. On the other hand, electric units are typically smaller in size and do not require ventilation, making the installation process simpler and more cost-effective.

Electric Tankless Water Heater Gas Tankless Water Heater Initial Price $500 - $700 $1,000+ Installation Cost Lower Higher Total Cost (Product + Installation) Varies Varies

When comparing the total cost of ownership, it is crucial to consider both the initial price and the installation costs. While electric tankless water heaters have a lower initial price, gas models may incur higher installation expenses. By evaluating your individual budget and requirements, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals and comfort.

Energy Efficiency and Cost

When choosing between an electric and gas tankless water heater, it's essential to consider their energy efficiency and cost. Electric tankless water heaters are known for their high efficiency, with most models boasting efficiency ratings of 98% or higher. This means that nearly all of the electrical energy utilized is converted into heat, resulting in minimal energy wastage. On the other hand, gas tankless water heaters typically have efficiency ratings ranging from 80% to 85%. While gas may be cheaper per BTU of output power, the higher efficiency of electric units, combined with their longer service life and lower installation costs, often make them a more cost-effective choice in the long run.

In terms of operating costs, it's important to consider the current price of gas. While gas tankless water heaters may have slightly lower operating costs due to the lower cost of natural gas, it's worth noting that gas prices are expected to rise significantly in the future. Electric tankless water heaters, on the other hand, tend to have higher operating costs but offer the advantage of stable electricity prices. This makes electric models a more attractive option, especially when considering long-term energy consumption.

To provide a clear comparison of the energy efficiency and cost between electric and gas tankless water heaters, let's take a look at the table below:

Electric Tankless Water Heater Gas Tankless Water Heater Energy Efficiency 98%+ 80-85% Installation Cost Lower Higher Operating Cost Higher Lower, but gas prices expected to rise

As can be seen from the table, electric tankless water heaters offer higher energy efficiency and lower installation costs compared to gas models. While operating costs may be slightly higher, the stability of electricity prices and the expected rise in gas prices make electric options more cost-effective in the long term.

Environmental Impact

When it comes to choosing a water heater, considering the environmental impact is essential. Electric tankless water heaters are a more eco-friendly option compared to gas models. They produce no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, contributing to a cleaner and greener environment. By opting for an electric tankless water heater, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help combat climate change.

One of the benefits of electric tankless water heaters is their compatibility with renewable energy sources. With the increasing availability of solar and wind power, homeowners can harness clean and sustainable energy to power their electric units. By utilizing these renewable energy sources, you can further decrease your reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Additionally, electric tankless water heaters have the advantage of exceptional energy efficiency. With efficiency ratings of 98+% compared to gas models' 80-85%, electric units ensure minimal energy wastage, translating into lower energy consumption and reduced environmental impact. By investing in an electric tankless water heater, you are not only benefiting from its energy-efficient operation but also actively supporting a greener and more sustainable world.

Table: Comparative Environmental Impact

Criteria Electric Tankless Water Heater Gas Tankless Water Heater Emissions No greenhouse gas emissions Contributes to greenhouse gas emissions Energy Source Potential to utilize renewable energy sources (solar, wind) Relies on natural gas or propane Efficiency Efficiency rating of 98+% for minimal energy wastage Efficiency rating of 80-85%

As the world becomes increasingly conscious of the need for sustainable living, choosing an electric tankless water heater is a responsible choice. Not only will you enjoy the benefits of on-demand hot water and energy savings, but you will also contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment. By embracing eco-friendly technologies like electric tankless water heaters, we can all play a part in creating a more sustainable and greener future.

Maintenance and Longevity

When it comes to the maintenance and longevity of tankless water heaters, there are some important factors to consider. Electric tankless water heaters typically require minimal maintenance and have a longer service life compared to gas models. This is due to the simpler design and fewer components in electric units.

One of the main maintenance tasks for gas tankless water heaters is an annual inspection to ensure safe fuel combustion and overall performance. This is important to maintain the efficiency and safety of the system. On the other hand, electric tankless water heaters are generally easier to troubleshoot and repair in the event of a malfunction, resulting in fewer service calls and potential cost savings.

In terms of longevity, electric tankless water heaters have a reputation for lasting longer than gas models. The simplicity of electric units, combined with their generally higher efficiency, can contribute to a longer service life. This means that homeowners may enjoy reliable hot water for a longer period without the need for replacement.

Table: Comparison of Maintenance and Longevity

Electric Tankless Water Heater Gas Tankless Water Heater Required Maintenance Minimal maintenance, annual inspection Annual inspection, potential repairs Service Life Longer service life Shorter service life

As shown in the table above, electric tankless water heaters generally have an advantage in terms of maintenance and longevity. However, it's important to note that the actual performance and lifespan of a water heater can vary depending on factors such as usage patterns, water quality, and proper installation. Regular maintenance and adherence to manufacturer guidelines are crucial to ensuring optimal performance and longevity for any type of tankless water heater.

Installation Considerations for Electric Tankless Water Heater

When it comes to installing an electric tankless water heater, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. One of the key advantages of electric models is their simplicity and cost-effectiveness in the installation process. Unlike gas tankless water heaters, electric units do not require complex venting or combustion air supply systems.

This means that electric tankless water heaters can be installed in a wider range of locations, making them suitable for various residential settings. Whether it's a closet, under a sink, or in a crawl space, the flexibility offered by electric models is a significant benefit. This also helps to minimize installation costs, as there is no need for extensive modifications or additional materials.

Another important factor to consider is the availability of electrical supply. Electric tankless water heaters typically require a high-output electrical supply, with a recommended minimum of 200 AMP service. Before opting for an electric model, it is crucial to ensure that your home or business has the necessary electrical capacity to support the unit.

Installation Costs

When comparing installation costs between electric and gas tankless water heaters, electric models generally have the advantage. The simplicity of the installation process and the lower requirements for materials and modifications contribute to lower overall costs. Additionally, the availability and accessibility of electrical supply in most homes make electric tankless water heaters a more cost-effective option for many homeowners.

However, it is still important to consider the specific requirements and conditions of your installation. Factors such as the distance from the electrical panel, existing wiring infrastructure, and the need for any electrical upgrades should be taken into account. Consulting with a professional installer is recommended to assess your specific installation needs and estimate the associated costs accurately.

Installation Considerations Electric Tankless Water Heater Gas Tankless Water Heater Venting and combustion air supply Not required Required, can be complex and expensive Installation locations Flexible, various residential settings More limited, often preferred for commercial use Electrical supply requirement High-output electrical supply (minimum 200 AMP service) Relies on existing gas line or propane supply Installation costs Lower overall costs due to simpler installation process Can be more expensive due to venting and additional requirements


After considering all the factors, it's clear that choosing between an electric tankless water heater and a gas tankless water heater ultimately depends on individual needs and circumstances.

Electric tankless water heaters offer several advantages, including lower initial costs, higher efficiency, easier installation, minimal maintenance, and a smaller environmental impact. These units are more affordable upfront and have a longer service life compared to their gas counterparts. Additionally, electric models are easy to troubleshoot and repair, resulting in fewer service calls and more cost-effective long-term usage.

On the other hand, gas tankless water heaters may be more suitable for larger households or commercial applications with higher hot water demands. They can accommodate higher flow rates and are often preferred for their ability to provide hot water to multiple outlets simultaneously. However, the installation process for gas models is more complex and costly, requiring venting and combustion air supply systems.

In conclusion, when deciding between electric and gas tankless water heaters, it is important to carefully evaluate factors such as initial cost, efficiency, installation requirements, maintenance, energy source availability, water usage habits, and homeowner preferences. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that best meets your specific needs.


What factors should be considered when deciding between an electric or gas tankless water heater?

Factors to consider include the availability of gas or electrical supply, cost of installation, water usage habits, homeowner preference, and the availability of adequate energy sources.

Which type of tankless water heater is more affordable?

Electric tankless water heaters are generally more affordable upfront compared to gas tankless water heaters.

Are electric tankless water heaters more efficient than gas tankless water heaters?

Yes, electric tankless water heaters are more efficient, with most models having an efficiency rating of 98+% compared to the 80-85% efficiency of gas models.

Is the installation process more complex for gas tankless water heaters?

Yes, gas tankless water heaters require complex venting and combustion air supply systems, while electric models are smaller in size and do not require ventilation.

Do electric tankless water heaters require more maintenance?

No, electric tankless water heaters require minimal maintenance and have a longer service life compared to gas models.

What energy sources do electric and gas tankless water heaters require?

Electric units require a high-output electrical supply, while gas units rely on an existing gas line or propane supply.

Can electric tankless water heaters accommodate high flow rates?

Yes, electric models can provide sufficient hot water flow rates, typically ranging from 3 to 8 gallons per minute depending on the model and climate.

What role do homeowner preferences play in the decision between electric and gas tankless water heaters?

Homeowner preferences, such as safety concerns, energy efficiency, and personal preference for energy sources, are important factors to consider when selecting a water heater.

What should be considered when evaluating the cost of a tankless water heater?

The initial cost of the product and installation should be considered to determine the overall cost of ow

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