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Hot Water Heater Tank vs Tankless: Which is for You?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the hot water heater tank vs tankless debate. If you're in the market for a new water heater, you've likely come across these two options: traditional storage tank water heaters and the more modern tankless versions. In this article, we'll dive into the comparison between these two types of water heaters, exploring their pros and cons, installation costs, lifespan, and more. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of which option suits your specific needs and budget.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tank water heaters store hot water in a storage tank, while tankless water heaters heat water on-demand.
  • Tank water heaters have a lower upfront cost, but tankless water heaters are more energy-efficient and space-saving.
  • Determining the right size for a tank water heater requires calculating your peak hour demand.
  • Gas and electric options are available for both tank and tankless water heaters, each with their own set of pros and cons.
  • Installation costs and lifespan vary between tank and tankless water heaters.

Introduction to Tank and Tankless Water Heaters

When it comes to choosing a water heater, you have two main options: tank water heaters and tankless water heaters. Understanding the differences between these two types can help you make an informed decision for your home.

Tank water heaters, as the name suggests, store hot water in a cylindrical storage tank. These traditional water heaters can use natural gas, electricity, or other energy sources to heat the water. On the other hand, tankless water heaters heat water on-demand, providing hot water whenever you need it. They are known for their energy efficiency and space-saving design.

While tank water heaters are more common, tankless water heaters have gained popularity due to their reputation for running more efficiently. In the upcoming sections, we will delve deeper into the pros and cons of each type, as well as factors to consider when choosing the right size water heater for your home.

Table: Comparison of Tank Water Heaters and Tankless Water Heaters

Tank Water Heaters Tankless Water Heaters Store hot water in a storage tank Heat water on-demand More common Increasing in popularity Lower upfront cost Higher upfront cost Higher tolerance for simultaneous hot water usage On-demand hot water Ability to heat large volumes of water at once Energy-efficient Longer wait time for hot water refill Potential lag time for hot water Shorter lifespan (10-15 years) Longer lifespan (up to 20 years) Higher energy bills Possible installation changes Requires more space Space-saving design

Now that we have a basic understanding of tank and tankless water heaters, let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each type in the following sections.

Pros and Cons of Tank Water Heaters

Tank water heaters have their advantages and disadvantages when compared to tankless water heaters. Understanding these pros and cons can help you make an informed decision about which type of water heater is best for your needs.

Pros of Tank Water Heaters

There are several benefits to choosing a tank water heater:

  • Lower upfront cost: Tank water heaters generally have a lower initial cost compared to tankless water heaters, making them a more budget-friendly option.
  • Higher tolerance for simultaneous hot water usage: Tank water heaters can supply hot water to multiple outlets simultaneously, making them suitable for households with higher hot water demands.
  • Ability to heat large volumes of water at once: Tank water heaters have a large storage capacity, allowing them to quickly provide hot water for tasks that require a large volume, such as filling a bathtub.

Cons of Tank Water Heaters

Despite their benefits, tank water heaters also have some drawbacks:

  • Longer wait time for hot water: With tank water heaters, hot water is limited to the capacity of the tank. This means there can be a delay in receiving hot water if the tank is empty or depleted.
  • Shorter lifespan: Tank water heaters typically have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. This is shorter compared to the longer lifespan of tankless water heaters.
  • Higher energy bills: Tank water heaters constantly heat and store water, leading to higher energy consumption and potentially higher utility bills.
  • Larger space requirement: Tank water heaters take up more physical space compared to tankless water heaters, which can be a consideration for homes with limited storage or installation options.

By weighing these pros and cons, you can make an informed decision about whether a tank water heater is the right choice for your home.

benefits of tankless water heater

Choosing the Right Size Tank Water Heater

When it comes to selecting the right size tank water heater for your home, it's essential to consider your household's hot water needs. The capacity of the water heater must match the peak hour demand to ensure an adequate supply of hot water. To determine this demand, calculate the total hot water usage of all the appliances and fixtures in your home during the busiest hour.

The Energy Guide Label on your water heater provides valuable information to help you choose the appropriate size. Look for the capacity or first-hour rating (FHR) listed on the label. The FHR indicates how many gallons of hot water the heater can deliver per hour.

Below is a table illustrating an example of how to calculate the peak hour demand and match it with the FHR of a tank water heater:

Appliance/Fixture Hot Water Usage (Gallons) Shower 10 Dishwasher 2 Washing Machine 6 Kitchen Sink 2 Total Hot Water Usage 20

In this example, if your household's peak hour demand is 20 gallons, you should look for a tank water heater with an FHR of at least 20 gallons per hour to ensure an ample supply of hot water. It's important to note that if you anticipate an increase in hot water usage in the future, you may need to choose a water heater with a higher FHR to accommodate your needs.

Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heaters

When considering whether to invest in a tankless water heater, it's important to weigh the pros and cons. While tankless water heaters offer several advantages, such as energy savings and longer lifespan, they also come with certain drawbacks.

Pros of Tankless Water Heaters

  • Energy Efficiency: One of the main benefits of tankless water heaters is their energy efficiency. Unlike traditional tank water heaters that constantly heat and store water, tankless models only heat water on demand, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills.
  • Longer Lifespan: Tankless water heaters have a longer lifespan compared to tank water heaters. With proper maintenance, tankless models can last up to 20 years, providing long-term savings and fewer replacement costs.
  • Space Efficiency: Tankless water heaters are compact and take up significantly less space compared to tank water heaters. This makes them ideal for smaller homes or locations where space is limited.
  • On-Demand Hot Water: With a tankless water heater, you'll never run out of hot water. The on-demand heating system ensures a continuous supply of hot water whenever you need it.

Cons of Tankless Water Heaters

  • Higher Upfront Cost: Tankless water heaters generally have a higher upfront cost compared to tank water heaters. The initial investment can be substantial, although the long-term energy savings may offset this expense.
  • Potential Installation Changes: Installing a tankless water heater may require certain modifications to your plumbing system or electrical setup. This can add to the overall installation cost and may involve more complex installation procedures.
  • Lag Time for Hot Water: Unlike tank water heaters that provide hot water immediately, tankless models may have a slight lag time before hot water is delivered. This can be a minor inconvenience, especially if you're accustomed to instant hot water.
  • Potential Corrosion: Some tankless water heaters use condensing units, which can be prone to corrosion if not properly maintained. Regular maintenance is necessary to prevent this issue and ensure the longevity of the unit.

Before deciding on a tankless water heater, it's essential to consider these pros and cons in relation to your specific needs and circumstances. While tankless models offer energy efficiency, space savings, and on-demand hot water, they come with a higher upfront cost and potential installation challenges. By weighing these factors, you can make an informed decision that best suits your requirements.

Choosing the Right Size Tankless Water Heater

When it comes to selecting the right size tankless water heater, it's important to consider your household's hot water needs. The size of a tankless water heater is determined by two factors: the flow rate (GPM) and the desired temperature rise. By calculating your heaviest household water usage and the temperature you want your water to be at, you can determine the appropriate tankless water heater size.

Table: Tankless Water Heater Sizing Guide

Number of Bathrooms Number of Showers Flow Rate (GPM) Temperature Rise (°F) Tankless Water Heater Size (GPM) 1-2 1 2.5-5 70 5-10 2-3 2 4-7 70 8-14 3 or more 2+ 6-9 70 10-18

Keep in mind that the temperature rise is the difference between the temperature of the incoming cold water and the desired output temperature. It's recommended to consult with a professional plumber or water heater specialist to ensure accurate sizing and installation.

Gas vs Electric Water Heaters

In the debate between gas and electric water heaters, there are several factors to consider. Each type has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making it important to weigh your options carefully before making a decision. Here, we'll explore the pros and cons of both gas and electric water heaters to help you make an informed choice.

Gas Water Heaters

Gas water heaters offer several benefits. They typically heat water more quickly than electric models, ensuring you have hot water readily available. Gas water heaters also tend to be more energy efficient, resulting in lower utility bills. However, they do come with higher upfront costs and require proper ventilation. Additionally, gas water heaters may require regular maintenance to ensure safety and optimal performance.

Electric Water Heaters

Electric water heaters have their own advantages and drawbacks. One of the main benefits of electric models is their lower upfront cost compared to gas water heaters. They also have a longer lifespan, which can result in significant savings over time. However, electric water heaters generally have a lower flow rate, meaning they may struggle to provide hot water for multiple appliances or fixtures simultaneously. It's important to consider your household's hot water needs and usage patterns when determining whether an electric water heater is the right choice.

Comparing Gas and Electric Water Heaters

Aspect Gas Water Heaters Electric Water Heaters Upfront Cost Higher Lower Energy Efficiency Higher Lower Heating Speed Faster Slower Flow Rate - Lower Ventilation Requirement Required Not Required Lifespan Shorter Longer

As seen in the table above, gas water heaters generally have higher upfront costs, but they offer faster heating speeds and better energy efficiency. On the other hand, electric water heaters have a lower upfront cost, longer lifespan, and no ventilation requirements. It's important to consider your budget, hot water needs, and long-term goals when deciding between gas and electric water heaters. Consulting with a professional can help you make an informed decision based on your specific situation.

Installation Cost and Lifespan of Tank Water Heaters

When considering the installation cost and lifespan of tank water heaters, there are several factors to take into account. The average cost to install an electric tank water heater ranges from $2000 to $3500, while a gas tank water heater can cost anywhere from $2500 to $5500. These costs include the purchase of the unit, as well as the necessary installation labor and materials.

It's important to note that the lifespan of a tank water heater typically ranges from 8 to 12 years with proper maintenance. This includes regularly flushing the tank to remove sediment buildup and checking the anode rod for corrosion. By performing these maintenance tasks, you can help extend the lifespan of your tank water heater and ensure its efficient operation over time.

Overall, while the initial installation cost of a tank water heater may be lower compared to tankless options, it's crucial to consider the long-term costs associated with its lifespan. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision regarding the installation of a tank water heater and ensure that it meets your budget and hot water needs.

The Lifespan of Tank Water Heaters:

Here is a summary of the typical lifespan of tank water heaters, based on their fuel type and maintenance:

Fuel Type Lifespan (Years) Electric 8 to 12 Gas 8 to 12

As shown in the table, both electric and gas tank water heaters have a similar lifespan of 8 to 12 years. However, it's important to note that the actual lifespan may vary depending on factors such as usage, maintenance, and water quality.

tank water heater installation cost and lifespan

Installation Cost and Lifespan of Tankless Water Heaters

When considering the installation of a tankless water heater, two key factors to keep in mind are the upfront cost and the lifespan of the unit. Let's explore these aspects further to help you make an informed decision.

Cost of Installation

The cost of installing a tankless water heater can vary depending on multiple factors such as the type of fuel used (gas or electric), the size and capacity of the unit, and any additional modifications needed for installation. On average, gas tankless water heaters can start at around $8000 and can go up from there. Electric tankless water heaters, on the other hand, have a lower upfront cost and can be more affordable for some homeowners. It is important to consider your budget and long-term savings potential when evaluating the initial investment required for a tankless water heater.

Lifespan of Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters are known for their durability and long lifespan. With proper maintenance and care, these units can last up to 20 years, providing you with hot water on demand for many years to come. Regular maintenance, such as flushing the system and checking for any potential issues, is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity. By investing in routine maintenance, you can maximize the lifespan of your tankless water heater and avoid any unexpected breakdowns or repairs.

Installation Cost Lifespan Gas Tankless Water Heater Starting at $8000 Up to 20 years Electric Tankless Water Heater Lower upfront cost Up to 20 years

As shown in the table above, gas tankless water heaters generally have a higher installation cost compared to electric tankless water heaters. However, both types can provide a long lifespan, ensuring you get the most out of your investment. It is important to weigh the upfront cost against the potential energy savings and durability when considering a tankless water heater for your home.


After comparing the pros and cons of both tank and tankless water heaters, it is clear that each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. The decision between a hot water heater tank and a tankless water heater ultimately depends on your specific needs, budget, and long-term goals.

Tank water heaters are more affordable upfront and better for immediate installations. They have the ability to heat large volumes of water simultaneously and are suitable for households with high hot water usage. However, they have longer wait times for hot water to refill, a shorter lifespan, higher energy bills, and require more space to accommodate the storage tank.

Tankless water heaters, on the other hand, are known for their energy efficiency and longer lifespan. They provide hot water on-demand and have a space-saving design. Although they have a higher upfront cost and may require major installation changes, their benefits include energy savings, continuous hot water, and the ability to fit in smaller spaces.


  • Tank water heaters are cheaper upfront and suitable for households with high hot water usage, but they have longer wait times for hot water refills, a shorter lifespan, higher energy bills, and require more space.
  • Tankless water heaters are more energy-efficient, have longer lifespans, and provide hot water on-demand, but they have a higher upfront cost, may require major installation changes, and can be more susceptible to corrosion in condensing units.

When making your decision, consider your budget, hot water needs, and long-term savings. Consult with a professional who can assess your specific situation and recommend the best option for you. Remember to prioritize regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your chosen water heater.

Water Heater Services in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area

We offer comprehensive water heater services in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area of Minnesota. Our team of 25 skilled plumbers is equipped to handle all types and brands of water heaters, providing expert installations, repairs, and maintenance for residential, commercial, and industrial facilities.

At Water Heaters Now, we understand the importance of a reliable and efficient water heater system for everyday comfort and convenience. Whether you need a new water heater installed or require repairs for your existing unit, our experienced plumbers are here to assist you.

Our services include:

  • Water heater installation: We can help you choose the right type and size of water heater that best suits your hot water needs and budget. Our team will ensure a professional and efficient installation, taking into account all necessary safety precautions.
  • Water heater repairs: If you're experiencing any issues with your water heater, such as leaks, insufficient hot water, or strange noises, our experts can diagnose the problem and provide timely repairs to restore proper functionality.
  • Water heater maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to keep your water heater running smoothly and prolong its lifespan. Our plumbers can perform routine inspections, flush the tank, check the anode rod, and address any potential issues before they escalate.

Services Price Range Water heater installation $500 - $2,000+ Water heater repairs $100 - $500+ Water heater maintenance $100 - $300+

Our goal is to provide top-quality service and customer satisfaction. We prioritize prompt response times, transparent pricing, and reliable solutions tailored to your specific needs. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, you can trust us to deliver exceptional water heater services in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.

Importance of Regular Maintenance for Water Heaters

Regular maintenance is essential for ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of both tank and tankless water heaters. By following a few simple maintenance tasks, you can prevent potential issues, minimize the need for repairs, and extend the lifespan of your water heater.

To maintain your water heater, consider the following steps:

  1. Flush the tank: Over time, sediment and mineral buildup can accumulate in the tank of a traditional water heater. Flushing the tank annually helps remove this debris and ensures efficient heating and proper water flow.
  2. Check the anode rod: The anode rod is a sacrificial component that helps prevent corrosion inside the tank. Regularly inspect the anode rod and replace it if it becomes severely corroded. This simple step can significantly prolong the life of your water heater.
  3. Schedule maintenance checks: It's advisable to have a professional plumber inspect your water heater periodically. They can identify any potential issues or signs of wear and tear, allowing for timely repairs or replacements before a major breakdown occurs.

By taking these maintenance measures, you can avoid common problems such as leaks, inefficient heating, and premature failure of your water heater. Regular maintenance not only saves you from expensive repairs but also ensures you have a reliable supply of hot water when you need it most.

Tips for DIY Maintenance

If you prefer to perform some maintenance tasks yourself, here are a few additional tips:

  • Keep the area around your water heater clean and free of debris to prevent dust and dirt from entering the system.
  • Monitor the temperature and pressure relief valve to ensure it's functioning correctly. Lift the handle and let it snap back into place to test its operation.
  • Insulate the hot water pipes to minimize heat loss and improve energy efficiency.
  • Check for any signs of water leakage, such as puddles or dampness around the base of the water heater. Promptly address any leaks to prevent water damage.

Remember, while DIY maintenance is beneficial, it's crucial to consult with a professional plumber for any complex repairs or if you're unsure about performing certain tasks. They have the expertise and experience to handle any water heater issues safely and effectively.

Consult with Professionals for Water Heater Decision

When it comes to selecting the right water heater for your needs, it's essential to consult with professionals who have expertise in the field. A professional consultation can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your specific requirements.

During a consultation, professionals will assess your hot water needs, budget, and installation considerations. They will take into account factors such as the size of your household, the number of bathrooms, and your peak hour hot water usage. By evaluating these factors, professionals can recommend the most suitable type and size of water heater for your home.

Furthermore, a professional can provide expert advice on water heater replacement options. If you're considering upgrading or replacing your existing water heater, they can assist you in identifying the best solution based on energy efficiency, lifespan, and cost-effectiveness. Their expertise can ensure that you choose a water heater that not only meets your current hot water demands but also delivers long-term savings.

Benefits of Professional Consultation

There are several benefits to seeking professional consultation when it comes to making a decision about your water heater. Firstly, professionals have in-depth knowledge of the latest advancements and technologies in the industry. They stay up-to-date with the trends and can provide insights into the most energy-efficient and cost-effective options available.

Secondly, professionals have experience working with a wide range of water heater brands and models. They can offer unbiased advice and recommendations based on their expertise and understanding of the performance and reliability of different products.

Lastly, professionals can ensure proper installation and maintenance of your water heater. Improper installation can lead to performance issues and may even void the warranty. By having professionals handle the installation and ongoing maintenance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your water heater will function optimally and efficiently for years to come.

Benefits of Professional Consultation Expert knowledge of industry trends and advancements Unbiased advice and recommendations Proper installation and maintenance

In conclusion, consulting with professionals is crucial when making a decision about your water heater. Their expertise and guidance can help you choose the right type and size of water heater, as well as assist with water heater replacement options. By seeking professional consultation, you can ensure that your hot water needs are met efficiently and effectively, providing you with comfort and peace of mind.


In summary, when comparing hot water heater tanks and tankless options, it is crucial to consider your specific needs, budget, and long-term goals. The comparison between these two types of water heaters involves weighing the pros and cons of each.

Tank water heaters are a more affordable upfront investment, making them suitable for immediate installations. However, they have higher energy bills, shorter lifespans, and require more space. On the other hand, tankless water heaters are known for their energy efficiency, longer lifespans, and space-saving design. But they come with a higher upfront cost and may require significant installation changes.

To make an informed decision, it is highly recommended to consult with a professional who can assess your hot water needs and provide guidance based on your budget and installation requirements. Additionally, prioritize regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your chosen water heater.

Ultimately, the choice between a hot water heater tank and a tankless option should align with your household's hot water demands, financial considerations, and long-term objectives. By carefully evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each type, and seeking professional advice, you can make a well-informed decision that will meet your hot water requirements for years to come.


What is the difference between a tank water heater and a tankless water heater?

Tank water heaters store hot water in a cylinder storage tank, while tankless water heaters heat water on-demand.

What are the pros of tank water heaters?

Tank water heaters have a lower upfront cost, higher tolerance for simultaneous hot water usage, and the ability to heat large volumes of water at once.

What are the cons of tank water heaters?

Tank water heaters have a longer wait time for hot water to refill, a shorter lifespan of 10 to 15 years, higher energy bills, and a larger space requirement.

How do I determine the right size tank water heater for my home?

Calculate your peak hour demand by adding up the hot water usage of all appliances and fixtures, and match it with the capacity or first-hour rating (FHR) provided on the Energy Guide Label of your water heater.

What are the pros of tankless water heaters?

Tankless water heaters are energy-efficient, have a longer lifespan, save space, and provide hot water on-demand.

What are the cons of tankless water heaters?

Tankless water heaters have a higher upfront cost, may require major installation changes, have a lag time for hot water, and condensing units can corrode.

How do I determine the right size tankless water heater for my home?

Calculate your heaviest household water usage and desired temperature rise to determine the appropriate tankless water heater size.

What are the differences between gas and electric water heaters?

Gas tankless water heaters have higher upfront costs and require venti

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