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Tankless Water Heater Gas vs Electric: Our Expert Comparison

Are you considering installing a water heater but unsure whether to choose a gas or electric tankless water heater? In this expert comparison, we will explore the differences and benefits of each type, helping you make an informed decision. We will discuss the performance, efficiency, costs, and other factors to consider when choosing between a gas and electric tankless water heater.

When it comes to tankless water heaters, there are two main options: gas and electric. Both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, making the decision-making process a bit challenging. With the right information, however, you can choose the option that best suits your needs.

Gas tankless water heaters are known for their efficiency and ability to provide a constant supply of hot water. They are generally more cost-effective than electric tankless water heaters, especially if you have a high demand for hot water. However, gas tankless water heaters are more complex to install, requiring gas supply lines and venting for the exhaust. They also have a higher initial price and require more maintenance than electric tankless water heaters.

Electric tankless water heaters, on the other hand, are a good option for homes with low hot water demand and limited space. They are less expensive to purchase and install than gas tankless water heaters. However, they may struggle to keep up with multiple major appliances running simultaneously and typically have a lower flow rate than gas tankless water heaters. Upgrading your electrical system may also be necessary to support an electric tankless water heater.

Before making the switch from a gas to an electric tankless water heater, or vice versa, there are several factors to consider. These include energy costs, hot water demand, installation costs, venting requirements, and maintenance needs. Evaluating these factors will help you determine which type of tankless water heater is the best fit for your home.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gas tankless water heaters are more efficient and cost-effective for high-demand households.
  • Electric tankless water heaters are more suitable for low-demand situations and limited space.
  • Consider factors like energy costs, hot water demand, installation costs, and maintenance needs.
  • Gas tankless water heaters require gas supply lines and venting for exhaust.
  • Electric tankless water heaters may require an upgraded electrical system.

Gas Tankless Water Heaters

In this section, we will explore the benefits and considerations of gas tankless water heaters. Compared to their electric counterparts, gas tankless water heaters are known for their efficiency and ability to provide a constant supply of hot water. They are particularly beneficial for households with a high demand for hot water.

One of the key advantages of gas tankless water heaters is their cost-effectiveness. While they may have a higher initial price compared to electric models, gas tankless water heaters can help you save money in the long run. This is especially true in areas with high power and hot water demands, as gas is generally more affordable than electricity.

However, it's important to consider the installation requirements of gas tankless water heaters. They are more complex to install, requiring gas supply lines and venting for the exhaust. This means that professional installation is necessary to ensure safety and compliance with building codes. Gas tankless water heaters also require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Pros Cons Efficient and provide a constant supply of hot water Higher initial cost and installation complexity Cost-effective in areas with high power and hot water demands Require gas supply lines and venting for the exhaust Regular maintenance required

Overall, gas tankless water heaters are a great option for those seeking energy-efficient and cost-effective hot water solutions, especially in high-demand households. However, it's crucial to consider the installation and maintenance requirements before making a decision.

Electric Tankless Water Heaters

Electric tankless water heaters offer several benefits for homeowners, particularly those with low hot water demand and limited space. These units are less expensive to purchase and install compared to gas tankless water heaters, making them a cost-effective option for budget-conscious individuals.

One advantage of electric tankless water heaters is their compact size, which allows for flexible installation in small spaces such as apartments or utility closets. They are also easier to maintain, requiring less frequent servicing and fewer maintenance tasks compared to gas models.

However, it's important to note that electric tankless water heaters may struggle to keep up with the hot water demands of larger households. They typically have a lower flow rate compared to gas tankless water heaters, which means they may have difficulty supplying hot water to multiple major appliances running simultaneously. Additionally, upgrading the electrical system may be necessary to support the power consumption of an electric tankless water heater.

Electric Tankless Water Heater Benefits:

  • Lower purchase and installation costs
  • Compact size for easy installation in small spaces
  • Easier maintenance and fewer servicing requirements

Electric Tankless Water Heater Drawbacks:

  • Lower flow rate, potentially struggling to meet hot water demands of larger households
  • Possible need for electrical system upgrades

Factors to Consider Before Switching

Before making the decision to switch from a gas to an electric tankless water heater, or vice versa, it is important to consider several factors. These factors will help you determine which type of tankless water heater is the best fit for your home. Let's take a closer look at these considerations:

1. Energy Costs

One of the main factors to consider is the current and projected energy costs. Gas tankless water heaters are generally more cost-effective in areas with low gas prices, while electric tankless water heaters may be more economical in areas with low electricity rates. Consider the long-term energy cost implications when choosing between gas and electric.

2. Hot Water Demand

Assessing your household's hot water demand is crucial in deciding which type of tankless water heater to choose. Gas tankless water heaters typically have a higher hot water flow rate and can handle multiple major appliances running simultaneously. Electric tankless water heaters are better suited for homes with low hot water demand and fewer appliances operating simultaneously.

3. Installation Costs

The installation costs for gas and electric tankless water heaters can vary. Gas tankless water heaters require gas supply lines and venting for the exhaust, which may require additional installation expenses. Electric tankless water heaters may need an upgraded electrical system to support their power consumption. Consider the installation costs associated with each type before making a decision.

4. Venting Requirements

Gas tankless water heaters require proper venting to ensure the safe expulsion of exhaust gases. This adds complexity to the installation process and may require professional assistance. Electric tankless water heaters do not have venting requirements, making them easier to install in certain situations.

5. Maintenance Needs

Maintenance requirements vary for gas and electric tankless water heaters. Gas tankless water heaters generally require more maintenance, including regular servicing and cleaning to ensure optimal performance. Electric tankless water heaters also benefit from professional maintenance, but they typically require less frequent attention. Consider the long-term maintenance needs and associated costs when choosing between gas and electric.

tankless water heater comparison

Gas Tankless Water Heaters Electric Tankless Water Heaters Energy Costs Dependent on gas prices Dependent on electricity rates Hot Water Demand High flow rate, suitable for high-demand households Lower flow rate, better for low-demand situations Installation Costs Additional expenses for gas supply lines and venting Potential need for an upgraded electrical system Venting Requirements Requires proper venting for exhaust gases No venting requirements Maintenance Needs Regular servicing and cleaning Less frequent maintenance

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing between a gas and electric tankless water heater. Assess your specific needs and consult with a professional to ensure the best fit for your home.

Electric vs. Gas Tankless Water Heater Associated Costs

When comparing electric and gas tankless water heaters, one important factor to consider is the associated costs. While the initial cost of an electric tankless water heater is typically lower than that of a gas tankless water heater, it's essential to look at the long-term cost-effectiveness.

Gas tankless water heaters tend to be more cost-effective in areas with high power and hot water demands. Their ability to provide a continuous supply of hot water makes them an excellent choice for larger households. On the other hand, electric tankless water heaters are more cost-effective in areas with low water demands and energy costs.

To determine the most cost-effective option, it's crucial to consider factors such as energy prices, hot water demand, and maintenance costs. While gas tankless water heaters may have a higher initial price, they can save on energy costs in the long run. Electric tankless water heaters are generally less expensive to purchase and install, but they may struggle to keep up with simultaneous high hot water demands.

Factors Gas Tankless Water Heater Electric Tankless Water Heater Initial Cost Higher Lower Energy Costs Lower in areas with high hot water demand Lower in areas with low hot water demand Maintenance Costs Higher Lower

Ultimately, the choice between an electric and gas tankless water heater depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Consulting with a professional can help you determine the most cost-effective option for your home, taking into account factors such as hot water demand, energy costs, and maintenance requirements.

Installation Considerations

When it comes to installing a tankless water heater, there are important considerations to keep in mind. Both gas and electric tankless water heaters require professional installation to ensure proper setup and compliance with local building codes and regulations. Hiring a qualified professional will ensure the safety and efficiency of your water heating system.

Gas tankless water heaters require specific installation requirements. They need gas supply lines and venting for the exhaust. This means that your home must have an existing gas line or you will need to have one installed. Additionally, proper venting is essential to remove the exhaust gases safely. It's important to work with a professional who understands the intricacies of gas tankless water heater installation.

Electric tankless water heaters also require professional installation. They need an upgraded electrical system to support their power consumption. This may involve upgrading your electrical panel or adding dedicated circuits. A qualified electrician will be able to assess your home's electrical system and make the necessary adjustments for a successful installation.

Table: Comparison of Tankless Water Heater Installations

Gas Tankless Water Heater Electric Tankless Water Heater Installation Complexity Complex Simpler Requirements Gas supply lines, venting Upgraded electrical system Professional Expertise Gas installation specialist Qualified electrician

Installing a tankless water heater requires expertise and knowledge of the specific requirements for gas and electric units. A professional installer will ensure that the water heater is properly connected, vented, and meets all safety regulations. It's important to consult with an expert to determine the best type of tankless water heater for your home and to ensure a smooth installation process.

Tankless Water Heater Size and Capacity

When choosing a tankless water heater, it is crucial to consider the size and capacity that will best meet your household's hot water demands. Determining the appropriate size and capacity involves assessing the number of fixtures and appliances that will be operating simultaneously, as well as their individual hot water usage.

By accurately evaluating your hot water needs, you can ensure that the tankless water heater you select can provide a continuous supply of hot water without running out. This is especially important during peak usage times, such as mornings when multiple family members are showering, or when running the dishwasher and laundry simultaneously.

An effective way to determine the right size and capacity for your tankless water heater is by consulting a professional plumber or using manufacturer guidelines. They can help calculate the flow rate required to meet your specific needs and recommend an appropriately sized unit.

Factors Influencing Size and Capacity

The following factors can influence the size and capacity requirements of a tankless water heater:

  • Number of bathrooms in the household
  • Number of kitchen faucets and sinks
  • Number of showers and tubs
  • Number of appliances that require hot water, such as dishwashers and washing machines

Considering these factors will ensure that you choose a tankless water heater that can efficiently and effectively meet your household's hot water needs, providing comfort and convenience for your daily activities.

tankless water heater size and capacity

Energy Efficiency and Operating Costs

When it comes to energy efficiency, electric tankless water heaters have the upper hand. They are designed to heat water on-demand, which means they only use energy when hot water is needed. This results in lower energy consumption compared to gas tankless water heaters, which may have a pilot light that continuously burns fuel. Additionally, electric tankless water heaters have no standby energy losses, as they do not store hot water in a tank.

However, it's important to consider the operating costs as well. While electric tankless water heaters are more energy-efficient, gas tankless water heaters have faster heating rates and recovery times. This means that gas tankless water heaters can deliver hot water more quickly, making them suitable for households with high hot water demand. Gas water heaters also tend to cost about 33% less to operate than electric water heaters on average.

To determine the most cost-effective option for your specific situation, consider your energy prices, hot water demand, and the type of fuel available in your area. You may want to calculate the projected operating costs over the lifespan of the water heater to get a clearer picture of the long-term cost-effectiveness. Consulting with a professional can also help you evaluate the energy efficiency and operating costs of different tankless water heater options.

In conclusion, when considering energy efficiency and operating costs, electric tankless water heaters have the advantage in terms of energy consumption. However, gas tankless water heaters offer faster heating rates and lower operating costs in certain situations. To make the best decision, assess your hot water demand, energy prices, and the availability of gas or electricity in your area. This will help you choose the tankless water heater that balances energy efficiency and operating costs to meet your needs.

Maintenance and Service

Keeping your tankless water heater in good working condition is essential for its longevity and efficient operation. Regular maintenance and professional servicing are recommended for both gas and electric tankless water heaters.

Gas Tankless Water Heaters: Gas tankless water heaters typically require more maintenance due to their more complex design. It is important to schedule annual inspections by a qualified professional to ensure proper functioning and identify any potential issues. Regular maintenance tasks for gas tankless water heaters may include checking and cleaning the burner, inspecting the venting system, and flushing the heat exchanger to remove any mineral deposits.

Electric Tankless Water Heaters: While electric tankless water heaters are generally low maintenance, it is still important to have them serviced periodically to ensure optimal performance. A professional technician can check the electrical connections, clean the heating elements, and inspect the overall condition of the unit. It is also advisable to flush the unit periodically to remove any sediment or mineral buildup.

Table: Maintenance Comparison

Aspect Gas Tankless Water Heaters Electric Tankless Water Heaters Recommended Maintenance Frequency Annual professional inspection Periodic professional servicing Common Maintenance Tasks Checking and cleaning the burner, inspecting the venting system, flushing the heat exchanger Checking electrical connections, cleaning heating elements, overall unit inspection, periodic flushing Special Considerations Areas with cold weather or hard water may require additional maintenance N/A

Maintaining your tankless water heater not only ensures optimal performance but also helps prevent potential issues that may result in costly repairs or replacements. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's maintenance guidelines and consult a professional if you have any concerns or questions about your tankless water heater's maintenance needs.

Environmental Impact

When considering the environmental impact of tankless water heaters, it's important to assess the energy sources in your area and the overall efficiency of each type. Gas tankless water heaters rely on non-renewable fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. On the other hand, electric tankless water heaters can be powered by electricity generated from various sources, including renewable energy.

The choice between gas and electric tankless water heaters can have a significant impact on your carbon footprint. If your area has access to clean, low-cost electricity, opting for an electric water heater can be a more environmentally friendly choice. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, you can contribute to a greener future and help combat climate change.

Comparing Environmental Impact

Gas Tankless Water Heater Electric Tankless Water Heater Environmental Impact Contributes to greenhouse gas emissions Potentially lower carbon footprint with clean electricity sources Energy Source Non-renewable fossil fuels Electricity from various sources (including renewable energy)

When considering the environmental impact of your water heater choice, it's also essential to evaluate the entire lifecycle of the product, including manufacturing, installation, operation, and disposal. Additionally, regular maintenance and proper usage can help improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact for both gas and electric tankless water heaters.

By making an informed decision and considering the environmental impact of your water heater choice, you can contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.


After considering the various factors, such as hot water demand, installation costs, energy prices, and maintenance needs, it is clear that choosing between a gas and electric tankless water heater depends on your specific requirements. Gas tankless water heaters are highly efficient and cost-effective for households with high hot water demand, while electric tankless water heaters are more suitable for situations with lower demand.

To make the best decision for your home, we strongly recommend consulting a professional who can assess your needs and provide expert advice. Their expertise will ensure a safe and compliant installation that optimizes performance and efficiency for your tankless water heater.

Ultimately, a thorough comparison of tankless water heaters is vital to ensure you select the right option for your household. By carefully evaluating factors such as hot water demand, installation costs, energy prices, and maintenance needs, you can make an informed decision that meets your specific requirements. This will ensure you enjoy the benefits of a tankless water heater, be it gas or electric, for years to come.


Are gas tankless water heaters more cost-effective than electric tankless water heaters?

Yes, gas tankless water heaters are generally more cost-effective, especially for high-demand households.

Are electric tankless water heaters suitable for homes with low hot water demand?

Yes, electric tankless water heaters are a good option for homes with low hot water demand and limited space.

Do gas tankless water heaters require more maintenance than electric tankless water heaters?

Yes, gas tankless water heaters typically require more maintenance and servicing.

What factors should I consider before switching from gas to electric or vice versa?

Factors to consider include energy costs, hot water demand, installation costs, venting requirements, and maintenance needs.

Which type of tankless water heater has lower initial costs?

Electric tankless water heaters generally have lower initial costs compared to gas tankless water heaters.

Do both gas and electric tankless water heaters require professional installation?

Yes, both types require professional installation to ensure safe and compliant installation.

How do I choose the size and capacity of a tankless water heater?

The size and capacity should be chosen based on your household's hot water demand, considering the number of appliances operating simultaneously.

Are gas or electric tankless water heaters more energy-efficient?

Electric tankless water heaters are more energy-efficient, but gas tankless water heaters have faster heating rates.

What are the associated costs of gas and electric tankless water heaters?

Gas tankless water heaters have higher initial costs and maintenance needs, while electric tankless water heaters have lower initial costs.

What is the environmental impact of gas and electric tankless water heaters?

The environmental impact depends on the energy sources in your area, but both types can be environmentally friendly.

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