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Is Your Tankless Water Heater Not Working? We Can Help!

There's nothing worse than turning on the tap and being greeted with cold water. If you're experiencing issues with your tankless water heater, don't panic - we're here to help! In this guide, we'll provide expert troubleshooting tips to help you get to the root of the problem and find a solution.

Key Takeaways:

  • Don't panic if your tankless water heater is not working - the issue can likely be resolved with some troubleshooting.
  • Understanding the basics of tankless water heaters is important before attempting to troubleshoot any issues.
  • There are common problems that can occur with tankless water heaters, such as insufficient hot water or no hot water at all.
  • Troubleshooting your tankless water heater involves checking the power supply, water flow, error codes, flushing the system, and more.
  • If all else fails, it may be necessary to call a professional for assistance.

Understanding Tankless Water Heaters

At Water Heaters Now, we understand the importance of having a reliable source of hot water in your home. Tankless water heaters have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their energy efficiency and convenience. Unlike traditional water heaters that store hot water in a tank, tankless water heaters heat water on demand, providing hot water whenever you need it.

But how do tankless water heaters work? Essentially, when you turn on a hot water faucet, cold water travels through a pipe and into the unit. A sensor detects the water flow and activates the heating elements, which heat the water and send it back through the pipe and out the faucet as hot water.

It's important to note that tankless water heaters require a certain level of water flow to activate the heating elements. If the water flow is too low, the heating elements may not turn on, resulting in no hot water. Additionally, if the incoming water temperature is very cold, the heating elements may not be able to sufficiently heat the water, resulting in lukewarm or cold water.

So, what can cause a tankless water heater to not heat water? There are several factors to consider, including power supply issues, water flow problems, error codes, and maintenance needs. In the following sections, we will explore these issues in more detail and provide troubleshooting tips to help you get your tankless water heater working properly.

Common Problems with Tankless Water Heaters

While tankless water heaters offer many benefits, they are not immune to problems. Here are the most common issues that can occur with tankless water heaters:

     Problem    Symptoms        Insufficient hot water    Water not getting hot enough, running out quickly        No hot water    No hot water coming out of the faucet        Fluctuating water temperature    Water temperature changes frequently and unexpectedly        Ignition failure    Water heater fails to ignite or stay lit        Mineral buildup    Mineral deposits accumulate in the system, reducing efficiency and lifespan  

If you are experiencing any of these issues, it's important to identify the root cause in order to find a solution. In the next section, we will provide troubleshooting tips to help you diagnose and resolve your tankless water heater problems.

Troubleshooting Tips for Tankless Water Heaters

If you're facing issues with your tankless water heater, don't worry! We've put together a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help you identify and resolve the problem.

Step 1: Check for Power Issues

One of the most common issues with a tankless water heater is power-related. Make sure your unit is connected to a properly functioning electrical outlet or circuit. If you're unsure, try plugging in another device to the same outlet to see if it works. If there's no power, check your circuit breaker for any tripped breakers. Resetting the breaker may restore power to your tankless water heater.

Step 2: Assess Water Flow

Inadequate water flow can also cause your tankless water heater to malfunction. Check all water valves leading to and from your unit to ensure they're open and functioning correctly. If you notice any blockages or restrictions, clear them and test the flow again. It's also a good idea to clean or replace any water filters and check for any mineral buildup that could be obstructing the flow.

Step 3: Understand Error Codes

Many tankless water heaters feature error codes that indicate specific issues. Consult your user manual or the manufacturer's website to identify the meaning of the codes and follow instructions on how to address them. It's essential to take note of any error codes that pop up on your unit and act accordingly.

Step 4: Flush the System

Flushing your tankless water heater system helps to eliminate mineral buildup and ensure optimal performance. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for flushing your unit and make sure you do so at least once a year to keep it running smoothly.

Step 5: Check the Gas Supply

If your tankless water heater is gas-powered, be sure to check the gas supply to ensure it's flowing correctly. Check the valve leading to your unit, and if it's turned off, turn it on and test your system. If you continue to have issues, contact a professional technician.

Step 6: Inspect the Venting System

Your tankless water heater venting system plays an essential role in its performance. Check for any obstructions or blockages and clear them to ensure proper airflow. If you're unsure how to inspect your venting system, consult a professional technician.

Step 7: Reset the System

If none of the above steps has resolved your issue, try resetting your tankless water heater to its factory settings. Consult your user manual or manufacturer's website for instructions on how to do so. Keep in mind that resetting your unit will erase any custom settings you might have programmed.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can resolve most issues with your tankless water heater quickly and easily. Remember to consult a professional if you're unsure or uncomfortable handling any of these steps.

Checking the Power Supply

One of the first things to check when troubleshooting a tankless water heater that's not working is the power supply. Without a reliable source of electricity, the system won't be able to function correctly, and you won't get any hot water.

Start by checking the circuit breaker for the water heater. Look for any tripped breakers, and if you find one, reset it. If the breaker trips again, you may have an electrical issue that requires professional attention.

Next, verify that the tankless water heater is getting the correct amount of power. Typically, a tankless water heater requires a dedicated 240-volt circuit, which means it shouldn't be sharing its power supply with any other appliances. If you're unsure about the power requirements for your specific model, consult the manufacturer's instructions or contact a licensed electrician.

If the power supply is intact, but the unit still isn't working, there may be an issue with the circuit board or other internal components. We recommend consulting a professional for assistance with these types of repairs, as they can be dangerous to attempt on your own.

Assessing Water Flow

Another potential issue with a tankless water heater not working is a problem with water flow. In this section, we'll guide you through the process of assessing your water flow and identifying any restrictions or blockages. Follow these troubleshooting tips to determine if your water flow is the culprit:

  1. Check your filter: A clogged filter can impede water flow and cause your tankless water heater to malfunction. Make sure to clean or replace your filter regularly.
  3. Inspect your pipes: Loose or damaged pipes can lead to low water pressure and restrict the flow to your tankless water heater. Check all pipes leading to and from your unit and repair any leaks or damage.
  5. Confirm your valve is open: A closed valve can also restrict water flow. Ensure that the valve leading to your tankless water heater is fully open.
  7. Assess your water softener: If you have a water softener, it may be contributing to the problem by causing mineral buildup. Make sure to regularly flush your water softener and check for any blockages.
  9. Check for demand: If you are using multiple sources of hot water at once, your tankless water heater may struggle to keep up with demand. Try reducing the load on your unit and see if performance improves.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can assess your water flow and potentially identify the cause of your tankless water heater's heating problems. If you're still experiencing issues, it may be time to call a professional for further assistance and diagnosis.

Understanding Error Codes

If you are experiencing issues with your tankless water heater, it is important to understand the error codes that may appear on the unit. Error codes are designed to indicate specific issues with the system and can help you troubleshoot the problem.

Most tankless water heaters have an LED display that will show an error code if there is a problem. The code typically consists of a letter or number, or a combination of both. Consult your owner's manual or the manufacturer's website for a complete list of error codes, as they can vary by model.

Common Error Codes

Here are some of the most common error codes you may encounter when troubleshooting your tankless water heater:

           Error Code:        Cause:        Action:                11        No ignition        Check gas supply and make sure the unit is properly vented                12        Flame failure        Check gas supply, gas valve, and flame rod                13        Low gas supply        Check gas supply and pressure                14        Overheating        Check for air flow restrictions and clean any filters                16        Overheating        Check for scale buildup and clean any filters    

If you are still experiencing issues after consulting the error codes and taking the recommended actions, it may be time to call in a professional for assistance. They will have the expertise and proper equipment to diagnose and repair your tankless water heater.

  • Ensure that the unit is properly ventilated, as this can cause error codes to appear.
  • Regular maintenance, such as flushing the system and cleaning filters, can prevent error codes from occurring.

Remember, error codes should never be ignored, as they can indicate serious problems with your tankless water heater.

Flushing the System

If your tankless water heater is not working correctly, mineral deposits or buildup may be the culprit. Flushing the system is an important maintenance task that can help clear the tankless water heater's interior and improve performance.

To flush the system, you will need:

  • A bucket
  • A submersible pump (optional)
  • Vinegar or a descaling solution recommended by the manufacturer

Here's how to flush your tankless water heater:

  1. Turn off the power supply to the unit.
  3. Shut off the water supply to the unit.
  5. Attach a hose to the hot and cold water valves and submerge the other end of the hose into a bucket.
  7. Open the relief valve and the cold water valve to allow water to drain from the unit. Use the submersible pump to help flush out the system, if necessary.
  9. Pour vinegar or the descaling solution into the bucket until the pump is fully submerged.
  11. Close all the valves and let the solution sit for at least an hour to break down any buildup or mineral deposits.
  13. After an hour, open the valves and drain the tank completely.
  15. Remove the submersible pump and reconnect any hoses or valves that were disconnected previously.
  17. Turn on the water supply and power supply to the unit. Test your tankless water heater to ensure it is working correctly.

Regularly flushing the tankless water heater can help prevent buildup and prolong the lifespan of the unit. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for recommended maintenance intervals and descaling solutions. If you are unsure about performing maintenance on your tankless water heater, consult a professional.

Checking the Gas Supply

If your tankless water heater is not working, one of the most common reasons can be a problem with the gas supply. Here are the steps to check the gas supply:

  1. Check if the gas valve is open. The valve is usually located near the unit or on a nearby gas line.
  3. Ensure that the gas supply to the house is turned on. You can check the gas meter outside to verify.
  5. Check the gas pressure by using a manometer. The pressure should be between 7 and 14 inches of water column.

If the gas supply is not the issue, it could be a problem with the gas line. It's important to hire a professional to inspect and repair any gas line issues, as they can be dangerous to handle on your own.

Inspecting the Venting System

If you have a gas-powered tankless water heater, the venting system is a critical component that ensures safe operation. Over time, the venting system may become clogged with debris or mineral buildup, causing the water heater to stop working properly. In this section, we will guide you through the process of inspecting and cleaning the venting system.

Note: If you are not comfortable working with gas appliances or do not have experience with venting systems, it is recommended that you consult a professional for assistance.

Materials Needed

  • Protective gloves
  • Screwdriver
  • Vacuum cleaner with a hose
  • Flashlight

Steps to Inspect and Clean the Venting System

  1. Turn off the gas and electricity to the tankless water heater.
  3. Locate the vent pipe, which is typically located on the roof or side of the house.
  5. Remove the vent pipe from the water heater using a screwdriver.
  7. Inspect the vent pipe for any blockages or damage. Shine a flashlight through the pipe to look for any debris or buildup. If there is a blockage, carefully remove it using a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment.
  9. Inspect the exhaust fan for any buildup or debris. Clean the fan blades with a soft cloth or brush.
  11. Reattach the vent pipe to the water heater using a screwdriver.
  13. Turn the gas and electricity back on and test the water heater to ensure it is functioning properly.

Inspecting and cleaning the venting system is an important maintenance task that should be performed regularly to ensure the safe operation of your tankless water heater. If you encounter any issues or are not comfortable performing the inspection yourself, be sure to consult a professional for assistance.

Resetting the System

If you've gone through the troubleshooting steps and your tankless water heater is still not working, resetting the system may be worth a try. This can help to resolve minor issues that could be causing the problem.

To reset the system, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the power supply to the unit.
  3. Locate the two isolation valves positioned above and below the unit and close them both.
  5. Disconnect the power cables from the unit.
  7. Wait at least 30 seconds.
  9. Reconnect the power cables to the unit.
  11. Open the two isolation valves.
  13. Turn on the power supply to the unit.

This should reset the system to its factory settings and potentially resolve any minor issues that were causing the tankless water heater to malfunction. If the issue persists after resetting the system, it may be time to call in a professional for assistance.

Remember, attempting to open or repair a tankless water heater without the proper knowledge and experience can be dangerous. Always prioritize your safety and consult a qualified technician if needed.

Calling a Professional

If the troubleshooting tips and maintenance tasks described in this guide do not resolve the issue with your tankless water heater, it may be time to call a professional for assistance. Attempting to repair your unit without the necessary knowledge and experience can be dangerous and may result in further damage to your system.

When searching for a qualified technician to diagnose and repair your tankless water heater, it is important to do your research and choose a reputable company with a proven track record of success. Look for a service provider that specializes in tankless water heaters and has a team of licensed professionals.

Before hiring a professional, be sure to ask about their experience working with tankless water heaters and request references from previous customers. Additionally, inquire about their pricing structure and any warranties or guarantees they offer.

Remember, calling a professional can save you time, money, and frustration in the long run. Trust us to find the right technician to get your tankless water heater back up and running smoothly.

Preventive Maintenance for Tankless Water Heaters

Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and optimal performance of your tankless water heater. Here are some preventive measures you can take:

1. Follow the manufacturer's instructions

The first step to maintaining your tankless water heater is to read the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Make sure to follow the recommended maintenance schedule and procedures outlined in the manual.

2. Check the water filter

A clogged water filter can impact the efficiency of your tankless water heater. It's important to check and clean the filter regularly to prevent any blockages. Refer to the manual for instructions on how to locate and clean the filter.

3. Inspect the venting system

A poorly maintained venting system can cause a variety of issues with your tankless water heater. Make sure to inspect the venting system for any blockages or damage and clean it regularly to ensure proper airflow.

4. Flush the system

Flushing your tankless water heater system regularly will help remove any mineral buildup or sediment that can reduce efficiency and cause damage over time. Refer to Section 8 for instructions on how to flush your system.

5. Check the pressure relief valve

The pressure relief valve is a safety feature that prevents the tankless water heater from overheating or building up too much pressure. It's important to ensure that the valve is functioning properly and replace it immediately if it's damaged or faulty.

6. Schedule professional maintenance

While there are many maintenance tasks you can perform on your own, it's important to schedule regular professional maintenance to ensure the safety and efficiency of your tankless water heater. A qualified technician can inspect and clean your system and identify any potential issues before they become major problems.

By following these preventive measures, you can extend the lifespan of your tankless water heater and avoid costly repairs or replacements. Regular maintenance will also ensure that your system is functioning optimally, providing reliable hot water for your household needs.

Common Misconceptions About Tankless Water Heaters

When it comes to tankless water heaters, there are several common misconceptions that can prevent homeowners from making an informed decision about whether or not to invest in one. Let's take a closer look at some of these misconceptions and separate fact from fiction.

Myth: Tankless water heaters are more expensive than traditional water heaters.

While it's true that the initial cost of a tankless water heater may be more than a traditional water heater, tankless models can actually save you money in the long run. Tankless water heaters are more energy-efficient, which means they use less energy to heat water, resulting in lower energy bills. Additionally, tankless water heaters have a longer lifespan than traditional models, so you won't have to replace them as often.

Myth: Tankless water heaters provide instant hot water.

While it's true that tankless water heaters can provide hot water on demand, they still require a brief period of time to heat the water. It's important to note that the distance between the tankless water heater and the point of use can affect how quickly hot water is delivered.

Myth: Tankless water heaters require more maintenance than traditional water heaters.

While it's true that tankless water heaters require regular maintenance, the process is actually simpler than maintaining a traditional water heater. Tankless models require flushing to remove mineral buildup, which can be done by a professional or with a DIY kit. Traditional water heaters, on the other hand, require regular maintenance for both the tank and its heating components.

Myth: Tankless water heaters require a lot of space.

While it's true that tankless water heaters may require more installation space than traditional models, they still take up less space overall. Tankless models can be mounted on a wall, which frees up floor space. Additionally, tankless water heaters have a longer lifespan than traditional heaters, so you won't have to replace them as often, which saves storage space.

Myth: Tankless water heaters always provide hot water.

While it's true that tankless water heaters can provide hot water on demand, they still have limitations. If the demand for hot water exceeds the tankless water heater's capacity, you may experience a decrease in water pressure or temperature. It's important to choose a tankless water heater with the appropriate flow rate for your home's needs.

By debunking these misconceptions, we hope to provide you with a more accurate understanding of tankless water heaters and help you make an informed decision about whether or not to install one in your home.


As we conclude this guide on troubleshooting tankless water heaters, we want to emphasize the importance of regular maintenance to ensure the optimal performance of your unit. By following the preventive measures outlined in this article, you can minimize the likelihood of experiencing common problems such as insufficient hot water, no hot water at all, or error codes.

Remember, if you're having trouble with your tankless water heater, don't hesitate to refer to this guide or call a professional if necessary. Safety is paramount when dealing with electric or gas-powered units, so it's always better to err on the side of caution.

Final Thoughts

At Water Heaters Now, we understand how frustrating it can be to have a tankless water heater not working properly. That's why we've compiled this comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help you address the most common issues that can arise. We hope that this guide has been helpful and informative, and that you'll be able to enjoy hot water whenever you need it thanks to your well-maintained tankless water heater.


Is there a way to troubleshoot a tankless water heater that is not working?

Yes, there are several troubleshooting tips you can try to fix a tankless water heater that is not working. These include checking the power supply, assessing water flow, understanding error codes, flushing the system, checking the gas supply, inspecting the venting system, resetting the system, or calling a professional for assistance.

How does a tankless water heater work?

A tankless water heater heats water on demand, rather than storing it in a tank. When you turn on a hot water tap, cold water flows through the unit, where it is rapidly heated by a high-powered burner or electric heating element. This provides a continuous supply of hot water without the need for a storage tank.

What are some common problems with tankless water heaters?

Some common problems that can occur with tankless water heaters include insufficient hot water, no hot water at all, fluctuating water temperature, error codes displaying on the unit, or a complete lack of power. These issues can typically be resolved through troubleshooting or professional assistance.

How can I troubleshoot my tankless water heater?

To troubleshoot your tankless water heater, you can follow these steps: 1) Check the power supply to ensure it is connected and functioning; 2) Assess the water flow to identify any blockages or restrictions; 3) Understand any error codes displayed on the unit; 4) Flush the system to remove mineral deposits or buildup; 5) Check the gas supply if applicable; 6) Inspect and clean the venting system; 7) Reset the system to factory settings; 8) If all else fails, call a professional for assistance.

How do I check the power supply for my tankless water heater?

To check the power supply for your tankless water heater, you should inspect the circuit breaker or fuse box to ensure that the circuit is not tripped or the fuse is not blown. Additionally, you can use a multimeter to test the outlet or power connection to the unit to ensure it is receiving the necessary electricity.

How can I assess the water flow in my tankless water heater?

To assess the water flow in your tankless water heater, you should check if there are any valves that are closed or partially closed in the water supply line. Additionally, you can inspect the filters or screens in the unit for any blockages or debris that may be restricting the water flow.

What do the error codes on my tankless water heater mean?

Error codes on tankless water heaters are designed to indicate specific issues or malfunctions. Each manufacturer may have different error codes, so it's important to consult the user manual for your specific unit. Generally, error codes can indicate problems with the gas supply, water flow, or internal components of the heater.

How do I flush my tankless water heater?

Flushing the tankless water heater involves removing mineral deposits or buildup that can accumulate over time. To flush the system, you will need to connect a hose to the service valves on the unit, then run a descaling solution or vinegar through the system to break down the deposits. Flushing should be performed regularly as part of the maintenance routine for optimal performance.

How can I check the gas supply to my tankless water heater?

If your tankless water heater is gas-powered, you should check if the gas valve leading to the unit is turned on. Additionally, you can inspect the gas line for any leaks or damage. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and exercise caution when working with gas appliances. If you suspect a gas leak, it is best to contact a professional immediately.

How do I inspect the venting system for my tankless water heater?

To inspect the venting system of your tankless water heater, you should visually examine the vent pipe for any obstructions or damage. Make sure that the vent is securely connected to the unit and extends outside the building as per local building codes. If there are any blockages or issues with the vent, it may cause the heater to malfunction or shut off.

How do I reset my tankless water heater?

The process for resetting a tankless water heater varies depending on the make and model. Generally, you can find a reset button or switch on the unit. Pressing or toggling the reset button will typically restore the heater to its factory settings. Refer to your unit's user manual for specific instructions on how to reset your tankless water heater.

When should I call a professional for help with my tankless water heater?

If you have followed the troubleshooting steps outlined and still cannot resolve the issue with your tankless water heater, it is recommended to call a professional for assistance. A qualified technician will have the expertise and tools to diagnose and repair any complex problems with the unit. Additionally, a professional can ensure the safety and efficiency of your tankless water heater.

What preventive maintenance should I perform on my tankless water heater?

To prolong the lifespan and maintain the performance of your tankless water heater, you should perform regular preventive maintenance. This includes flushing the system to remove mineral deposits, checking and cleaning the filters or screens, inspecting the venting system for any obstructions, and ensuring proper ventilation around the unit. Following the manufacturer's maintenance recommendations is crucial to keep your tankless water heater in good wo

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